Ben Wills profile picture

Ben Wills

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone...ever...since the first homanids became self aware and with enough cognitage ability to actually converse and exchange ideas...a pretty realistic goal...


Barenaked Ladies, The Beatles, Classic Rock, Classical, Musicals, Southern Rock, CCR, John Lennon, George Harrison...basically most things but country pop...


The Films of Stanley Kubrick, Goodfellas, Back to the Future, almost anything with Peter Sellers, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, 'film snob' stuff (French New Wave, art cinema, etc), 80s garbage action films...pretty much anything has redeeming value on some level...


The Simpsons, Six Feet Under, Seinfeld, Night Court, The Office (UK & USA), My Name Is Earl, Star Trek (Original, TNG, DS9), Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Oz, Futurama, Red Dwarf, Boston Legal, Big Love, The Amazing Race


1984, Brave New World, various Film History, Film Theory, Filmmaking, etc books


none...well, I guess my parents, whom I must thank for my existence