Your mom.
This one girl's profile had a quote that said "If you can't tell the difference between a spoon and a ladle, you're fat." I thought that was pretty funny. I'd like to be friends with her. Oh, and that guy from that show. What's his name...Hottie McIrish?
I like a lot of different music. Right now I mostly like music with lyrics you can sing along to. I worked at this restaurant where all they played all day long was jazz, and also I was hanging out with this jazz guy a lot who played only jazz on his radio, so yeah...lately I like music with words.
Mulholland Drive, Eulogy, Happiness, The Good Girl, Garden State, You Can Count On Me, Thirteen, The Last Unicorn, The Dark Crystal, Notes On a Scandel, Chumscrubber, Aladdin, In Her Shoes, 10 Items or Less, The Favor The Watch and the Very Big Fish, It's A Wonderful Life, anything with Parker Posey or the Gyllenhaals, the new King Kong rocked the ka-zizzi, and I know Interstate, when it comes out, will be my all time favorite movie ever
I watch too much tv. Passions rules my life. I met the stand-in Sheridan Crane once, and I swooned. I actually swooned.
Life Of Pi and The Giver for sure. If Dog's Prayers Were Answered, Webster's Collegiate Dictionary - ask me what quindecemvirate means. Go ahead, ask me. PETA trial transcripts...ahahaha