Kate!! profile picture


♥Hakuna Matata!!♥

About Me

♥ Heylo! I'm Kate! but my friends at school call me Barton, Bart. Bones or Katie B! My sister calls me Yeeeeed tho!!! I am 14! I have got this new myspace profile because my other one went a mad and would not let anyone view it!! hmm!! I have one sister called Jenny but i call her Goona and much much more!! I also have one cat called Miss Moses...she is ace!! I enjoy doing anything under the sun with Goona! (my sister) love to Goona, Juxsta,Jiga, Jen and Juxsta-posish!!! all the same person but hey ho! GOONA1...2...3...4 ETC!!!haha!the routine i use to get her out of the house in the morning!! lol..the childminder pick up service.. funny days!shame they dont exist anymore! A big hello to Roona/Manda and Pud!make schooll a laugh all the way... hour and hours of fun in the dinner hall...at break and much more!! love ya pud! love ya manda!! Mr Hilly and Bee(mum and dad!)....love u...The best! Chatting on MSN to all my lil friends!...i live on msn...some woulld say i was addicted!! Having a laugh at school with Rawden,Gina,Nicola D,Becky rob bob,Becky,Heather and Hannah! They are all just ace!Love you all!So much fun and games lol!! hee hee...wat would scool be like without you!also Milly...Natasha and Nicola J always make me chuckle!Funny times with Nicola D...swedish meatballs! tee hee...shame we dont have any lessons together other than pe tho! :D Having fun bowling and on the dance mat!! Travelling on buses...especially "first" ones!Love the sunshine and being out in it! Seals!!!=Rawden!lolSafeway boxes rule!ooo and gina...FROG WOMEN and Jodie (Sky) on msn...she ace! Biggest hello ever to my sister....huge big hugs...love her so much...life wud not be life wivout her!! mwah mwah mwah!!! your the best!! Gina....known as bum by me...always kind and caring and a great laugh!! Rawden...carnt put it all into words...nver stop laughing when she is around!! Nicola D...great friend..always there for me and makes me smile wen i'm down!. Pud....makes me laugh with all her useless facts and choking on grapes!! she is ace!! Manda...sarcastic and fantastic!! what more can you say!!! Goona....the best thing since slice bread!!! tee hee she is the best!!! ♥
Name: Kate Barton!
Birthdate: 27th November 1990
Birthplace: Halifax!
Current Location: Lightcliffe
Eye Color: Blue!
Hair Color: blondey...browny...mish mash colour!!
Height: duno!
Weight: duno!
Piercings: 2...one in each ear!!
Tatoos: none!!
Overused Phraze: tee hee!!
Food: erm...i love potato mash...cucumber lol and pasta is nice!!
Candy: does chocolate count?!
Number: 4!! no reason!!
Color: PinK!!!
Animal: a cat!! just like my miss moses!!
Drink: ribena!! carnt live without it!!
Alcohol Drink: i dont drink!
Bagel: erm...french stick bread!!
Letter: K!! i duno!
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: neither...i dont like fizzy drinks!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burger king :D
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry..yummy!!
Hot tea or Ice tea: neither...but if i had to...hot!
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate to eat...vanilla to smell!!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: neither!!
Kiss or Hug: hugs....they are the best!!
Dog or Cat: cat...all the way!! dogs scare me!!
Rap or Punk: hmmM!! not sure!!
Summer or Winter: summer...but i like the snow in winter!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies! i dont like scary ones!!
Love or Money: love....defo!!
Bedtime: depends what is on tv!!!
Most Missed Memory: i only have happy memories which i luk back on and smile!
Best phyiscal feature: i dont have a clue...ask my friends that one!!
First Thought Waking Up: morning all!!! or what is the weather like...and then ooo it is raining again!!
Goal for this year: to laugh everyday!! loL!! i dont have one!!
Best Friends: erm...my sister Jenny!! and all my friends at scool!!! and my myspace friend...can not forget u!! u no hu u r!!
Weakness: not sure...being on msn too much and being silly with my sister!!
Fears: i dont really know!! but i will be scared of something!!
Heritage: english!!
Ever Drank: nopey!
Ever Smoked: nope!
Pot: erm no!!
Ever been Drunk: no...i dont drink!!
Ever been beaten up: no...thankfully not!!
Ever beaten someone up: i never would and never have!!
Ever Skinny Dipped: yes!! tee hee ah funny memories!!
Favorite Eye Color: blue or green...or brown!! any!!
Favorite Hair Color: any...but not really ginger...but then again i dont mind!
Short or Long: not to short but not to long...dont mind it a bit long!!!
Height: any..but not too tall!!!
Style: jeans and a tshirt!!! lol!....casual!
Looks or Personality: personality...much more important!!
Hot or Cute cute!! tee hee
Drugs and Alcohol: no drugs...and well i dont drink...but they can....but they would have to accept i dint loL!!!! tee hee
Muscular or Really Skinny: not really skinny..but not un-naturally muscular!!
Number of Regrets in the Past: none!! i live life to the full...and i dont regret anything...u carnt! we only have one life...make the most of it!!
What country do you want to Visit: erm....antarctica to visit the seals...and meatball city...wiv nicola d!!!
How do you want to Die: wen i am dieing...i want to be taken up into a plane and push out....rawden will do the honours! to die in hospital wud be sooo boring...nething but die in hospital!....and i then i am having the teletubbie theme tune played at my funeral!!
Been to the Mall Lately: yes...i go shopping every single weekend!! tee hee and in the holidays....most of the days!!!
Do you like Thunderstorms: i dont mind thunderstorms...they dont scare me...i like watching them from inside...but it would be very scary to be out in a big one!!
Get along with your Parents: we have our ups and downs shall we say!! but we get on mainly!
Health Freak: not at all!!...eat wat makes u happy....and go outside and exercise by playing football or goin for a walk..for fun only!!
Do you think your Attractive: i dont like the judge myself like that!!! loL!
Believe in Yourself: most of the time i do! but sometimes i dont!! depends on the situation!
Want to go to College: yeah...it will be fun!! lol!! tee hee
Do you Smoke: nopey...and i never will!
Do you Drink: no! :D
Shower Daily: yes...i have a shower every morning and a bath every night!!
Been in Love: no i dont fink so...i will now when i have!!
Do you Sing: yeah...but only when no1 else is around...part from my sister...mum and dad!!
Want to get Married: yeah...to the man i love!!! tee hee
Do you want Children: yeah...2 i think!!!
Have your future kids names planned out: erm...not really...i like charlie for a boy cos that is bit cheeky tho!! but i dont have any other ideas!!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: dont no!!!
Hate anyone: every1 hates certain ppl...and i'm no different!!

My Interests

I LOVE dancing...have been going to lessons for years and years and years and years! Think since i was 5 or 6!!I do a show every year at the victoria theatre in halifax...it is the best eva!! so much fun...back stage with Helen aswel as wen u actually dance!!! I love it! cud dance all day and all nite and neva stop!!!I also enjoy chatting...MSN! i duno wat i wud do wivout it...i can proudly say i am addicted to it!!...if i am in the house and not asleep... i will b on MSN!!!If you see me around i will b smiling or else lafing and giggling....thats just me!! having fun all of the time and neva have a dull moment!!! in my life trust me its all go go go and full of funny stories...just ask my friends...they hear them all the time!!!!Cooking in Food Tech at scool...carnt beat it...love making pizza...wiv my lil pizza chef!!!! u no hu u r!! :D altho i am annouce with most sadness that i have now had my last eva food tech lesson and i will not b cooking again!! :( as i have not taken it for GCSE...how disturbing!! All i can say is....cooking at scool...friday lesson 1...has been infamous!!!!PE is one big laugh....basketball it funny...rounders is ace wen you get out and get sit and cheer you heart out!! Tennis...have no skill at it...but it is fun!!I love doing the relay at scool aswel...that is sooo much fun!! have done it in sports day b4 aswel!! yeye!!! hee hee I rememba wen there was only 2 in my team so we did 2 legs each!! ha ha!!!Goin on buses wiv my one and only fantastic sister!!! I am proud to say i am loving the bus system!!! ha ha...if i am not on msn i will b on a bus!! I go here...there and everywhere on them!!!! So much fun on them...hold so many memories that r very special to me!! I have been as far as manchester on the bus..and wud go further if i cud!!! I especially love the 571 service as it is very nice!!! i also like the 363!!! oo and the X6 is rather gr8!! First buses are sooo mcuh better than the arrivia ones...224 is ok...but u no!!!! i no...ur finking wa t a sad lonely geek...but i am not ashamed!!!

I'd like to meet:

;♥erm.....Micheal Owen :P Jonathan from G4!!! :D...the whole of G4 wud b rather nice 2 actually!!! erm...like to meet Hugh Grant seems like a cool and nice man! Gwen Stefani wud b nice to meet...duno wat i wud say to her tho...ask her about clothes...lol!! tee hee! o yeah and Umberto from real radio! haha he is soo lovely!!!!...so kind...just listen to him say bye on a night!! oooo and the queen just to ask her wat she does wiv her life...cos i don't fink she does nething!!!!♥


All sorts!!! I listen to the radio!!! get the all sorts on there!! hee hee...lots of songs remind me of different ppl!...Lemar...Ghetto Gospel...and loads more remind me of Nicola D...candy shop reminds me of gina...loads remind me of rawden cunt possibley name them all...and as for my sister...rich girl...everyday i love you less and less....i predict a riot and the green day album...and lots lots lots more!!! I also like Queen...well most of their songs r ace!! Don't stop me now...is my fav...reminds me of rawden 2!!! I also like Radio Ga Ga, Friends will b friends (that is the sweetest eva!) and Crazy Little thing called love!! Bohemian Rhapsody altho this now haunts me...as i have herd it soo many times afta dancing to it in my dance show!! all i can c is the dance moves wen i hear the song now!!! spooky!! called over practicing i think!!!i love listenin to the top 40 charts countdown on a sunday...4 till 7...u can be sure i will have my radio on!! with nicola d that is!! tee hee I watch top of the pops every week aswel!! tee hee i really like Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the heart...me and my mum sing our hearts out to that...in the car usually!! i love it!!


My fav has to be Bring it on! "lets burn...its cold in here!!"...wow...so wish i was in that film as a cheerleader!! looks like ace fun!! makes me dance for days afterwards!! Infact wish i was a cheerleader full stop!!Wimbledon is up there wiv my all time favourites...how sweet is that film!i sat in the cinema wiv my sister cheering at the screen!!Finding Nemo...sad at begining but soo funny!Lion King...the music is the best eva!! Hakuna Matata....means no worries for the rest of ur days!!! that is my moto in life :D and the circle of life is fab and can u feel the love to tonight is very moving!About a boy is reali nice 2! Hugh Grant is in that...so thats a bonus 2!Somethings got to give..reminds me of my mum!!:D the man is like david and the women like her...that was a gd watch!Cheats was an ace film bout 5 boys hu cheated on every exam!! wow that was funny...good one to watch wiv dad!Love actually...hugh grant is lovely and it has the cutest storyline!!!ooo and of corse Andre the seal!..reminds me of rawden...soo sweet!!!I also like Piglets Big Movie that was soo funny...every1 in the cinema was half the age of me if not more!!Shrek and Shrek 2....how cud i 4get that!!! soo funny! english coursework goona!!!!Four wedding and a funeral!! that is fanastic...hugh grant in that aswel!Raise your voice...typical chick flick....but fantastic! got a sad story in there but it is just reali gd!!!!ET!!! wat can i say!!! sad and funny!!! just ACE!!


I like my tele!!Emmerdale is the best soap ever..infact it is the only one i watch so u no! LOL!I like The games...the celebs doing sport...so gd!! i am addicted wen it is on!Hell's Kitchen...Angus who presents it is funny!!Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.....so funny to watch..and the way gordon swears is funny!!!I'm a Celeb..get me out of here! that is ace...sooo funny and addictive!!Ant and Dec's Saturday night takeaway..actually..nething wiv ant and dec in it! they are the best double act alive..and dec is rather cute!William and Mary...sunday night..nice bit of drama...can b very sad sumtimes tho!Heartbeat...reali predictable sunday night drama...but i like it!i love the Eurovision song contest wen it is on...i no..no1 else in the world does...but i do and i am not ashamed!!!Pop Idol...X Factor..all those sorta shows! i get addicted to them aswel!!!Strictly Come Dancing aswel :D :DI like watchin Fawlty Towers and As Time Goes By..hysterical!!!


to be honest..i carnt remember the last time i read a book!how bad is that!! tut tut..ah well i carnt stick at them...fink the main prob is a carnt sit still reading for longer than like 5 mins!!...so this means magazines is more me...Ellegirl...Cosmogirl...real..and sugar!!!

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I fink my hero has to be my SISTER!..she is the best eva..love her soo much..duno what i wud do wivout her!! she is fantastic and i carnt put into words how much she means so me! i adore her and i always want us to live near each other! we are neva reali apart...our shopping trips are soo ace...our bus journeys out of this worldly ace...our walks soo much fun...secrets shared all the time! She is my sister..my best friend...and hero!!! LOVE YOU!!! 3!!!!