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About Me

Not typical. Yeah. Now that I think about it, that describes me actually rather well. Usually in a good mood but when I am grumpy you will know it.Things that I feel strong about are respect and honesty. I cannot deal with people that, just because they look at things a little different then somebody else, get into a fight. When will they realize that violence is just a sign of weakness?Or people who are not honest. I hate those. And I do not just mean people who tell lies, but also those who are not honest to themselves. Or do people really think that driving a bigger car then your neighbour, having a nicer house, more money on the bank account makes them happier? Then I no longer hate them. Then I just feel pity. ---

My Interests

Well gaming off course. I am a frequent D&D player. Do yourself a favor and do not ask for my opinion on Wizards of the Coast or the 3rd Edition. I will go into an unstoppable rant.I also like to play Starwars. Off course I mean the West End Games D6 system. Some of my adventures will be published in the blog. Have a look if you like.Besides gaming, I like to spend my days reading, listening to music or to hang out with people that are close to me. Having a beer, discussing things that matter and just have fun. Love that.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people that do not have tunnel vision. People who can see somebody elses point of view.And off course I am always looking for people to share one of my passions with. Gaming. A what a great concept. The old fashion Table Top Gaming. The people who can sit down for a campaign and work on their character and do not see the game as a "My gun in bigger then yours" or "I have higher stats therefore I am" are always welcome to participate.


Very important to me. I do not get the people that say; "I like top 40 music." Should it not be the otherway around? Like, you like something and because other people do to, it gets into the higher ranks. Liking something just because it is in the top confirms that you are part of those sheeple.I listen to music that has a bite. Commonly referred to as metal. Want some band names? Sure; Rage, Virgin Steele, Gamma-Ray, Iced Earth. Last month I got 300 euro in gift certificates which I spend on music. I used those to buy the albums from Masterplan, Freedomcall, some Judas Priest, some Iron Maiden. And if there will ever be a Overkill karaoke disc, I will buy it. The music is rather good, I just cannot get past the voice of Bobby Blitz.Well, to be honest, I am blessed with a voice that can scare cats and repel all living matter, so I am not the one to judge is vocal abilities. Let's just say, it ain't my style.


Basically anything in which Johnny Depp starrs has to be in my DVD collection. And not because he is so darn sexy. Well, at least, that is not the only reason. I just love the way he can portray a character. I considered marrying him. He could be Jack on weekdays and Willy Wonka on the weekend. Unfortunately it did not work out. In my planning I forgot that Mr. Depp should have a say in it as well.And I like fantasy movies, like Lord of the Rings, Clash of the Titans, Harry Potter, even X-man (Though I should have a word with the casting director. I am sorry Mr. Berry for Storm? What where they thinking!)Want to know a little secret? I hated Starwars. But I am about to get married to a massive Starwars fan. So the first year in our relationship, I was the one who had the priviledge to dust of his action figures and who had to sit through numerous repeats of the respective Episodes. But then I made a StarWars RPG character. Since then I am hooked. And must admit that it is a great story. Call me a geek.


Don't watch it that often. I like some shows, like NCIS, but that is just because of the fact that you do not have to think during that.Ow, and you know what show is really good when your are stoned (but only then?) Desperate housewives. Try it.


I have the compulsion to read anything that has letters on it. But a couple of my favourite works are Dune, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the collected tales of Edgar A Poe, and the gaming books on 1st and 2nd edition D&D and Starwars, Vampire and other related material.


Are much needed, though seldom real.

My Blog

Time for another one

It has been a while since I wrote something here. So yes, it is about time for another one. Not that I have much inspiration mind you. But still. Maybe that is just because life is pretty good at the...
Posted by Deborah on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:34:00 PST

A New Hope

Yesterday was the second session after the group was split in 2. Last session was used to tidy up any loose end and to ensure continuity. Yesterday's session was pretty intense, with a lot of new cha...
Posted by Deborah on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:04:00 PST


Here is something that might surprise you. I would like to say something about a passage I read in the bible. I know that some people may consider that weird. Me. Talking about the bible. I never go...
Posted by Deborah on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 01:41:00 PST

The World is ending, repent, repent!

Let's assume that this morning it was on CNN that the world is coming to an end. Rather quickly. Not as in: 150 million years form now the world will end, but literally tomorrow. This is the time whe...
Posted by Deborah on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:15:00 PST

The most wonderful man in the world

I want to tell you about a man I met. He has a body like a God. His charismatic eyes seemed to look deep into your soul. It appears that he can read you like an open book and see even your most hidde...
Posted by Deborah on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 01:27:00 PST

My heart is broken

Last weekend, in a game, my heart (or at least the heart of  my PC) got broken. We all got together to play an ongoing WEG D6 SW game, in which I play Shianna. A Blue female twi'leck who hates m...
Posted by Deborah on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:33:00 PST

How to end wars and save money

Yesterday I went over to a friend. A girl who is a fan of World of Warcraft. I only played it once, because as elaborate as it is, I still find it too limiting. With all do respect it is just a video ...
Posted by Deborah on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:32:00 PST

Don't judge me

Sometimes there is more to a person then you see at first glance. Sometimes people are a lot more then just one thing. Why do we have to fit in boxes and be marked with labels?   I am a lot of ...
Posted by Deborah on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:40:00 PST

This is insane

So yesterday I read something... About a teacher in the states facing a 40 years sentence for showing porn in her class room. I am not the biggest fan of porn myself, yet what is the harm? I mean, I ...
Posted by Deborah on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 02:08:00 PST

A Capital Trip -Saturday

Today was our first full day in Amsterdam. After an elaborted beakfast we went back into town, using the subway. Today we wanted to see the Rijksmuseum. We got of the subway and crossed the rest of ...
Posted by Deborah on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 01:37:00 PST