Movies, Music, Clubs, Gym, having fun, meeting new people, and seeing new things. There is a whole world out there and i want to see it all.
New people, new personalities, fun people, and most of all people who are not fake. I WOULD LIKE TO MEET A WOMAN THAT KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK SHE WANTS AND IS NOT AFFRAID TO GET IT !!!!
Anything and everything rap to country. Right now rap fucking blows. All that r and b shit can take itself back to the shit driving music fields it crawled out of. What happened to the good shit like back in the day.Dr. Dre drop your album save us form this hip-hop,r anb b, bull shit.
Comedy and action, anything reallyAS FAR BACK AS I CAN REMEMBER I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A GANGSTER!!!!
Soprano's, Shield, Deadwood
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