once upon a time..far far away down this dirty alley we sea a good fork in the side of the heard too get us/you/me/we/the royal we/ going in the wright direction too carry on too the next buss seat soo i can believe in goose chasesse...what about the passage that you took last knight too the elephant house... together till the sea the shore of worms more worms...maggets,magnets,full friges,,,food,,,home cooked meals,,,fuck mc-d's,,fuch honda,,,fill you life with images if you do not do it then get the ones that are allready done,,,god who is thee the...? t.v. god...t.v.dinner..trans-fat...fucked people...homeless ness full ness empty ness...friends that love each other...friends that borrow a cup of smiles...and give back 2-cups of ass with a smile in your face...flowers in bloom...hot swetty summer daze .dzae of life...hugs .kisses..dead flowers...weeds...mow the lawn.pick up the glass in the parkin lot go too church.stand in line.give up.fall down.jump up.hate too love. love too hate.empty ships.dead souls.lost glasses.full bages..dirt dirt dirt.how old is your dirt.? time----------with out-----------soft------love-none........................sit tin starin' watchin' the grass grow so the city can ticket me...........love of love.....................................i have no grass now soo i watch the sigarette butts pil;e up too make the sofest carpet of from the butt ahh that butt mummm ummm ummm pexcho
a...hot stacked oriental bitch..heck some-one the has a pulse.a space in time purpose for life tv dinners lunch boxes tokens for the next bus ride too.the river lookin' for you too wake-up sleep down heare ...and then again maybee just stay home and follow....the rest of you too the great beyond...just do something...dambit.
give me a break is there any thing else except milli vanilli/MDFodHRwOi8vczIzMC5waG90b2J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2Vl
dXJkYXplLmpwZw==' target='_blank'>
sundaze line-up
suck ..such a waist.... get in car wait at lights wait in line buy ticket stand for pop corn sit bee-hind some fuck wait for moviee too end wait in line too get ttoo car wait in car tooo leave parkin' lot... now lets go too the movies hun that sounds like a great idea...what shall we sea todaze... stupit stupid stuewpit
thats nicethe doctor said that you should only watch 2-hours a daze..why watch that much can-not find any-thing else too doo cat got your toung oh let me guess you worked hard and need too take a break and unwind with some brain-less active-ity...say what you like you do-not know what too do when you have time..do-not worry it will end and you will bee wishin' that you had done something else besides t.v.
you know how too read? my master did-knot teach me yet.she thinks that i will run a-way if i k-now those word things...