Jeffrey profile picture


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About Me

Once a swimming champion 20 yrs ago when i swam my way thru to be born to tis world and i suppose u did the same too? My camp mates says i am a racist juz because i only punish indians under my charge so far but i dun think i am a racist right? I seldom loses my temper at anyway except towards my men(not juz indians) and can say quite a cheerful person. likes to make my close frens more popular by creating 'secrets' abt them (right kev?). loves to joke a lot and may deem as not serious in work but i can be serious too when there is a need to. hmmmm.... in fact i realise i dunno myself too well either so i juz let the testimonials from my frens do the talkin... cheers!

My Interests

preventing goals from being scored, knocking down pins, watching movies, sharing secrets of kevin (My favorite! wanna hear some from me?)

I'd like to meet:



a little of every type of music. juz as long as the music is nice and no particular favorite type of music.


did i mention THE ITALIAN blowJOB.


Death by field trip, take us to your mall, black bart syas draw, camp foxtrot, enormously foxtrot. All by bill amend. Foxtrot my favorite and all were from kevin