nightlife en lightlife reizen(en rijzen) India favorite himalayan hights alles wat beweegt wim vandekeybus, jan fabre, pina baush, kalaripayat, butoh,iyengar yoga de marollen...verzamelen ..korte rokjes tasjes mutsjes en musjes, pins poetry/fotografie
strangers in the night to watch the sun to rise
easy riders and riders on the storm
moonwalkers and milkywayers
white horses on knights
dancers in the dark looking for the light life
mannen met baarden
en poe-eetje ik eet jeBlush trailer
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Frankie Goes To Space
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madonna, kate bush, nick drake,deus, suicide, air, andre hazes,curtis blow,patti smith,the doors, joy division, ,frankilizer!, madensuyu!, gustav mahler...stijn bongotex dilecta!,air,the residents, tosca, blondie,batmobile,janis joplin,moloko,selem sesler,ravi shankar
the cement garden, requiem for a dream, y tu mama tambien, babel ,amores perros, il meglio jiuventu, habel con ella, eraserhead, c'est arrive pres de chez vous, taxidermia, festen,gegen die wand, lucia y el sexo,brussels by night,teorema, carlsson von 's dach (voor de kiendjes) ut de joaren 60
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