【ペギィ Giggles】 profile picture

【ペギィ Giggles】

I am here for Friends

About Me

Auch wenn wir uns innig umarmen, spüren wir die traurigkeit. Wir spüren, wir werden niemals eins werden...

My Interests


The Candy Spooky Theater; Moi dix Mois; Die so Fluid; Kittie [...]


The Nightmare before Christmas; Corpse Bride; Sleepy Hollow; Sweeney Todd; Nightmare Detective


Happy Tree Friends; Fist of Zen; American Dad; Drawn Together


The Diary of Elenore Druce



My Blog

Zull leaves tcst..~

Abrupt announcement in this kind of way, but we would like you to understand, think. We assume annoyance worry, but you do not forget the thing of the one supporting until now. As for this decision,...
Posted by Ú®£ Giggles on Fri, 18 May 2007 05:44:00 PST