Politics, Strategy, Cities, Music, Cinema, Books, Arts, Minas Gerais
Oh, so many people... many people that have disappeared on the way...
Rock, MPB, D´n B´, Samba, Blues, Jazz, and my own
Goodbye Lenin, Whisky, Edukators, Forest Gump, The Godfather, Oldboy, Schilndler´s List, La Petit Lille, In good company, Chihiro, Oldboy and Hro.
WHEN I turn it on, I just watch the news or travel programs.
Hundread years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Dubliners, by James Joyce; The Prince, by Maquiavel; Smiley´s People, by John LeCarré; The name of the Rose by Umberto Eco; Novos Contos da Montanha, by Miguel Torga; Flaubert; Nada de novo no Front, by Remarque.
Zeus, Apollon, Athene, Aphrodite, Mercur, Artemis, Hera, Pan, Dioni, Ares, Demeter, Eos, Eros, Hades, Hebe, Helios... WHAT A NICE STORY!