The A.R.E is . . . profile picture

The A.R.E is . . .


About Me

After the overthrow of the Tregorians in the year 2760, the Byros did not evacuate all citizens of the inward lands immediately. It is estimated that over 70% (roughly 2.5 million people) of the western region were "kept" as a means for Byro Ted to advance his studies. By 2780, the population had not dwindled much by the numbers, but it is known that half of the Kept were no longer fully organic.I cannot recall when the first vestiges of the A.R.E. began their plight. What is known is it started with the written word. They knew that the interpretation of words by even a half organic mind could override any Byro programming. They could have began in later 30th century when the surviving Tregorians recorded the first drop in the Byro population since the end of the Primary Revolt. Or it could have been working from the inside since the very time of the overthrow, keeping the growth of the Byro Nation at a slowed pace with subversion. The earliest recollection I have of the A.R.E. is only after they enlisted the help of the Kelmarian military; the Gravity Mages.Over the course of mere months, the A.R.E. and the Mages were able to assemble elite task forces The Trakes, The Trapes and The Tranes. With the divine mental powers od the Gravity Mages and the tactical ingeuity of the A.R.E., the new legions were sent into the once human city of Tregoria (currently the Byro Nation) to ddestroy the mechanized tyrant.Though we could not remain on the front lines in 3172, the war transcends time and space itself, stretching it's black, steely fingers through all matter. In another time, another universe, another dimension, the influences of the dark element, the Analiase, have been seeping into histroy. First, we suppose, in the future with his puppet Byro Ted. Then in the Verphenanian Nebula and King Sequion Verphenay. So, we have come back to find the host of the Analiase in this time and crush them.And in doing so, we maintain the memories of those who began the battle for freedom. We bring you the A.R.E.Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0

My Interests

In the 32nd century raw organic emotion and thought was enough to weaken the forces of the Analiase. But sometimes it's not a matter of wits. Sometimes it is brute force. Other times it's slow and strategic like a chess game. We have figured out the in this time the Analiase's weekness is spiritual strength in organic lifeforms. With sentient beings the greatest weapon against the Analiase is art. Therefore, we are interested in seeking higher means of expression through abstract mediums.For example, it is believed that visual stimulus in the form of paintings or sculpture can provide heightened states of intellectual awareness. It is also believed that sonically induced rythm is a medium through which one can truly see the spirits and increase physical prowess. More information on all of this will come shortly.

I'd like to meet:

Firstly, the new organisers for this information node are The Trakes. Here, we will post events and news about any and all suspected Byro influence. Also, well reputed Allied Strongholds and Allied Forces will be reported on regularly.Any new allies looking for the scene, please come straight to us.


Top selections include, but are not limited to: Sweet, Minutemen, Dickies, MC5 and others to be named later.


The people who know what it's all about.

My Blog

The Origin of the Byro - Part 1

The word Byro is taken from the Kelmarian book, the Auru Byru. It means power or will to dominate. However, it was never meant for the context of anything more than spiritual and mental will. When the...
Posted by The A.R.E is . . . on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 01:24:00 PST

What is a Byro?

A Byro is a "citizen" of the Byro Nation. The Byro Nation is a hyper-industrialized, mega city, constructed around a large mountain. The Byro Nation is named for it's ruler, Byro Ted, a once powerful ...
Posted by The A.R.E is . . . on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:19:00 PST

What is a Trake?

Before the Tertiary Revolt, the three leaders of the A.R.E. outposts, Aaron Von Binder, George Kertiman and Raliegh Ronose fled from the Byro Nation to seek the mythical land of Kelmaria. They had hea...
Posted by The A.R.E is . . . on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:25:00 PST