About Me
Born in New York in 1978, LEBONCHE was meant to be a star... At the age of six month LEBONCHE plays is first guitar's riffs (a V-Fly Gibson, which is today is fetish one...) before playing piano being only one year old aged... But the real thing that didn't made any doubt about is glorious fate, far beyond is incredible talent, sum up in one word what LEBONCHE is : ATTITUDE...Cameras, people, specially girls, animals, things in general are definetely and irremediabely attracted by LEBONCHE... Nothing resists him... Example of success, irresistble playboy, LEBONCHE becomes quickly an egery of an entire generation.Popularity, girls, money and drugs had nearly taken LEBONCHE down in the 90's when he decided to exil himself.He retires as a monk in a little meditative place called ISSOUDUN in French countryside, in order to find the real him inside him. After this black out wich has driven fans to suicide, LEBONCHE, as a new man is coming back to us!Smarter, more beautifull, sexier, hotter, more inspired than ever He is back!2005 is the year!He totally amazes the whole world releasing an unexpected album called "Issoudun to New York, first class of course..." celebrating his come back, which immediatly has the effect of a nuclear bomb in the US charts, especially in New York, the town of his heart, where the album was completely sold out in only 2 hours in the entire town!A new world record set by LEBONCHE..."Issoudun" becomes immediatly THE hit of the year at the top of all US charts during all year long, beating from far away the selling records of Bruce Springsteen himself! Immediately the public and medias agree to celebrate their star as the new "BOSS".Elected as "hottest man of the year 2006" by HUSLTER magazine, in cover of TIME magazine heading "More than an artist", ROLLING STONES and so on sold their soul to the devil to cover him: LEBONCHE is THE new US star...His music so funky, so groovy and also so rock'n'roll but definitely electronic explodes all music boundaries and limits, setting LEBONCHE as a major turn in history of music, far beyond ELVIS PRESLEY, DAFT PUNK or NIRVANA.After his tremendous succes in USA, LEBONCHE is back in France, his fetish country, to drown hexagon under his flow!Get ready folks!