Mass quantities of qigong, meditative motion, learning from the inside out, flipping perspectives, representing a wholeness, Doing the best to change for the positive.
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Mass quantities of qigong, meditative motion, learning from the inside out, flipping perspectives, representing a wholeness, Doing the best to change for the positive.
T'ien Shan Pai and Hsing I: Northern Shaolin and Hsing I Chuan. Seven Mountains Kung Fu(studied 3 yrs): A traditional system influenced by Chinese martial art brought to this country from Vietnam by Master Phuoc Phan.
Capoeira: I trained in it for about a year with Coqui of Capuraginga. It was both dynamic and fun but in the end my heart belongs to Chuan Fa(Kung Fu).
7 Lion Kung Fu: A traditional family style taught by Sifu Art Drayton that I don't really know much about but trained in for quite some time (about 7-8 yrs). It included a lot of southern hand technique borrowing from wingchun and preying mantis. It also included standing meditations (qigong) and elements of Taichi.
Weight training for strength
Vegan/Vegetarian for wellness and oneness
Pharmacy, TCM, and Acupuncture to round me out
Buddhist/Taoist thought and philosophy
Never ForgottenR.I.P. Joey "Struggle" Meszaros (Jan. 28th 1976-Feb 6th 2006)Be Responsible, Learn, Change
Depends on my mood
Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle, Aqua teen, Family Guy
I-Ching, A Peaceful Warrior, Sidharthra, Tao De Ching, Demian, Ishmael, Story of B, Seeing through Naked Awareness, My Ishmael, Gospel of St.Thomas, etc.
Joey, Tookie, and anyone else we lose or have already lost that made a difference.