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I am here for Friends

About Me

Love this song at the moment


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I guess that things have kinda changes for me a little bit since I last made an edit on this account. I have now joined the army as many of you may know, and have been in for nearly a year. I have only weeks left on ym course, and then comes my first promotion. Life wasnt easy before joining the Army, and the decision to join may have not been the best, but there was a big need for a change, or who knows where I might be right now. Still love all my friends from home even though I dont get to see them as much I would like, but then it comes with the job I guess. Going to try and make this site fairly up to date, and keep people informed of whats going on...

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My Interests

My interests go as far as drinking, badminton, hanging out with my mates nd working to earn money. I would like to take up skiing and snowboarding, with the final aim I guess to become an instructor, and maybe do some seasons when i'm ready. I would also like to do sky diving, base jumping, things like those, that get the blood pumping abit. I have taken my first few lessons in becoming a scuba diver, thats fun, would like to make it to the Red Sea hopefully next year with the firces if time off and adventure training permit and stuff.

There is the red bull but of course you have to add the vodka, making it my favourite drink!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Marilyn Manson one day, I used to love his music when I was younger and he looks really funny. I'd just be curious to hear what he actually sounds like as a person talking normally. Wouldnt mind meeting..... some fo the top clothes designers and ask them to design some clothes just for me. Other than that I cant really think of any one in particular but I guess anyone famous would be cool, just to hear how shallow they are and tell them they earn far to much money for what they do!! If i had the option to meet people that were no longer alive, i would pick Freedie Mercury the musical legand! Then there would be Martin Lurther King and Malcomb X I guess that I would also like to meet President Bush. I have now real problem with him I guess, but I would perhaps like him to open his eyes to what is happeneing around the world and ask him if he knows what consequnces his actions take??


Martin Lurther King

Malcom X

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I love music all types. You cant get enough of one single type of music. In the moring is classical and in the evening its anything. I have a 20gb U2 Special Edition iPod which I store all my music on, although i want to get a colour iPod as the screen is so much nicer. I have been to some live gigs locally, and remember them very well. I have been to see Finch, InMe and Cradle of Filth. Finch was probably the best I think although InMe were good , but Cradle were just pants, mainly becasue the sound techs were getting everything wrong and they were gettign well annoyed, but the fact that they aren't a very good band probably help contributed. At the moment i cant stop listening to Savage Garden, not really sure why because i got their album years ago but have just started to listen to it again. I have also taken a fancy to Ill Nino which is another band that i listened to when i was younger. Other things I like listening to are 50 Cent, The Game, Eminem general rap stuff.The last album that I bought would be 50 Cent The Massacre, which is a really good album and has some really good tunes on it! Here is another great album, by my man Jay Z

The big guy hiself 50! What a great album release, The Massacre is great, can't stop listening to it!!



Machine Head!!

Ill Nino


Movies are great. I like various different ones. Scary films are cool, comedys are better, and the sad ones are nice. Last time I went to the cinema was to see the Interpretor ( dont think that is spelt right ) which was really good and well worth seeing. Dvd's that I own look more like a comic book collection. Spiderman 1 & 2, The Hulk, Resident Evil 1 & 2 both the Kill Bills, The Mummy Returns and some others that i cannot remember. The title cover of Resident Evil 1 and 2

Resident Evil 1

Resident Evil 2

Another great film that should get a mention would be the re-making of Romeo and Juliet

Kill Bill

Kill Bill Volume 2


Television sucks pretty bad, but I like watching films on tv if there are any good ones on! None of the soaps are any good, all boring and gay, and nothing like real life. Enjoy watching the music channels and Pimp My Ride is always a good laugh. It has to be said tho, that the Simpsons is still one of the best tv programs ever! ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editorâ„¢ V2.5

