Music is kinda my primary focus right now. However, its nice to have an actualy pasttime, so this past summer I rediscovered baseball for the first time in like 10 years. I'm a big fan of movies. I like all and appreciate all good movies. Also, altho not much time for it anymore, I am into videogames some still.
Jim Morrison, Socrates, Frans Liszt, George Washington, John Coletrane, Warren Haynes.
Anything from Chopin to CCR, From Debusey to the Doors, Miles Davis to Metallica...studying music broadens your horizons. As far as absoulte favorites...if I did it in 10 in would say, in no order, Gov't. Mule, Led Zeppelin, Beethoven, Miles Davis(coletrane years), a friend of mine named Shawn Zuzek(or his Quitters inc. project or Simple Sick Device), Beatles, Old STP, Hank Williams Jr. and Sr., Stevie Ray, and Simon and Garfunkle.
I love Jackie Brown. Fantasia is another one at the top for me....amazing. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind was amazing as well. Of course, Star Wars. Guys and of my all time favorites. The cinematogoraphy in the first matrix movie was amazing...too bad they ruined the rest. I dunno, I love movies. I have around 300 DVDs...hard to narrow it down. Hollywood is what defines our culture, like it or not, and movies are what defines and evolves hollywood.
Lol...too busy for tv now...and th picture quality sucks. I use to like Law and Order...does that count? I also buy DVDs of things like Family Guys and Chappelle's Show. Oh, and my favorite as a kid was jsut released too...Quantum Leap.
Sin City Graphic Novels, Tuesdays With Morrie was good, I use to really be into Redwall and the the Vampire Chronicles.
My father and my Grandfather...I know its cliche to hear, but my grandfather was probably the best man I've ever met or ever will meet in my entire life.