I'm really interested in tattoos and piercings. I only have three tattoos and I want to add more when I have the time and money (I'm a starving student you know). And I have 13 piercings, but they're all in my ears except for my bellybutton.
All the people in the world.
I'll honestly listen to anything...I know everyone says that, but i speak the truth. Although I do haave a favorite radio station: Sonic 102.9 (Modern Rock).
Liar Liar (with Jim Carrey) is a movie I'll never get tired of. I watched it when it first came out, and probably a million times since :) I have a bunch of other favorites but this one has been the most long-standing.
I love Family Guy the most, I think. There's just way too much to choose from. I just started watching TV again since I got Shaw, so I don't really have any series or anything that I watch religiously, but I do watch CSI and Sex and the City whenever I see it's on.
hmmmmm....does cosmo count?? I'm forced to read all the time for university so when it comes to my spare time, I try to steer away from books.
My mom.