My name is Megan, but most of the people I know never call me that, just my father. I'm short, I'm stubborn, yet i'm very open and friendly and usually have a smile on my face. I'm not judgemental in the very least; I try to see both sides of every story and the good in everyone. That's probably why I got screwed over many times.
My family and friends are the most important things to me. Music/writing/acting are a very, very close second. Music is my life, life is music...there is just no other way for me. I want to make a living...a true life...out of writing music and performing and touring...and all of the rockstar cliches that you will assume i think are glorious like being rich and famous, are totally false in my eyes. I want to change the world to a bearable place, or at least make a bigger dent, and teach people how to make it a better place. Music is Music...there is no wrong or right, good or evil. There is simply just Music. So use it.
I hate getting close to people, because i usually move somewhere else in a few years and it hurts to miss people. People tell me i have the biggest heart that they've ever seen, so naturally i care and love on a much deeper level. I'm not afraid to be alone, i love myself enough )and try to do that without arrogance) to not drive myself crazy; most of the time. I just hate not being there when people need me, cause lets face it: Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on, for someone to just listen and understand. Natural as they come, thats what I do best. I'm there, i'm loyal, i'm a Friend.
I just moved from Marshfield, WI to Columbia and that was one of the hardest things I had to do. The friends I've made there have been with me through everything and it over powers my regrets and mistakes. I love my friends so much that I would do it all over again. My friends are my family . They are some of the greatest people I've ever met, and I wouldn't change a thing about them. They're perfect just the way they are. And I look forward to visiting them.
I believe that Good and Evil cannot exist without each other. Everyone has a Good side, just as they have an 'evil' or 'dark' side. It's just the trick of knowing which one to keep alive. I also believe that most of the Truth in this world is merely opinions. How do we know that the color blue is really blue? Because someone said so? Seeing, for me, is believing. You cannot believe or disbelieve if you have not truly lived and experienced life's beauty and pain. Because it's always helpful to find the good things when something bad happens; easier said then done!
My sister is the strongest person I know. She's always been there for me and I really look up to her, she's really like my twin. We're into all of the same kinds of stuff. My nephew, Brian, is also the strongest person I know. He, along with his beautiful sisters, are extraordinarily awesome.
When nothing is certain, anything is possible.
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!