Angela profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Sometimes you're the pigeon, Sometimes you're the statue.
I'm a very easy going person who loves to smile! I really enjoy being outdoors, especially with my dog...he's very active! I live with the greatest guy in the world and I love him to death! He has a Mustang GT that we take to the car shows and to New England Drag Way FUN FUN FUN!!!! Looking forward to a fabulous summer!!!!

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My Interests

I love spending time with my friends and family, especially my 4 year old niece. My family is very close.
I like to stay busy, I'm usually up for just about anything.
I love Rob, Gerbera Daisies, movies, sports, my dog, my cats and my turtles. I like to travel although I haven't really gone to too many trips are great! I like rain on a warm day, camping and backyard bon fires (even better with S'mores). Yep, sounds pretty generic, but I'm fairly simple. There is much more to me, you just have to get to know me!,
I like so many things, I'm fairly easy to please. I'm sure that I can find something in common with just about anyone.
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I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people...and I'd like to reconnect with the ones that I lost touch with a long time ago!


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I like all kinds of music, I honestly have no real favorite. I will listen to almost anything. For the most part, I can't stand silence, I love having music on in the background most of the time. My favorite singer of all time has got to be my niece, she will be famous one day. Nobody sings Itsy Bitsy spider better than Emily!


The Little Mermaid, Backdraft, 300, Shrek, Danny Deckchair, Reign Over Me, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, ELF, Robin Hood:Men in Tights, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Office Space, Wedding Crashers, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story... I LOVE movies!


Prison Break, Dexter, CSI's, David Letterman, Game shows, King of the Hill, the news :) ...
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Myspace Layouts, Graphics and Glitter.


Jonathan Livingston Seagull


My Grampa is my hero

My Blog

Sometimes its so hard to say goodbye....

Wesley was only 50 years old when he passed away. Every time you saw him, there was a smile on his face. He could turn any negative situation into a joke and make you smile. Despite all of the pain he...
Posted by Angela on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:36:00 PST