I play drums in a few bands that come and go as they please, which is a bit frustrating, but that's the way musicians are. Bastards. I'm a music whore. Seeing as I own a good 3000+ CDs and a few hundred records and tapes, I think that's a resonable term for me. I also am currently trying to better myself at guitar. This will bring my musical arsenal up to about a dozen instruments I can play. Well I guess music is kindda my thing. I don't really have any more interests than that. Music and Buffy, but mostly music. Oh yeah! And I spend a good chunk of time being mad at George W. Bush, too. So 1. Music 2. Buffy 3. Politics. It's the trifecta of me.
Cool people that don't suck. That means anyone who likes Donald Rumsfeld need not apply. Oh and some rocker chicks with rocker hair! Rocker hair is hot, yo! :)
And of course, Smoosh!
I really wann fill this section up, seeing as music is 95.7% of my life, but I can't seem to make the time to list every musician in the world. It would simply take to long. I'll get around to it someday.I hope.
Amelie, The Shawshank Redemption, That Thing You Do, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, CQ and Ronin are my favorites. I do however like a ton more than that. Mainly anything that isn't the same old crap or a Jim Carrey movie. I hate that modern 'slap-stick' poop. I'd much rather watch old Laurel and Hardy or 3 Stooges movies.
MythBusters, The Simpsons, ummmmm...Dirty Jobs, Monk, The Cosby Show, Law and Order: SVU and some other stuff.
David Sedaris, Sarah Vowell, David Rakov...basically if you've written abook and also contributed to This American Life, I like you.
As of right now, Mr. T, Mark Summers and Ian McKay. It's all about Double Foo Pittyin' Straight Edge Dare!