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"TOUCH N TEASE" Who are they ? We are a like minded goup of guy's who realised there wasn't enough venues that you could go to and just have a good time and at the same time get to see Top Class artists from not only the U.S.A but from here aswell. So we got together and decided to do something about it. So if you are the kind of person that just stands in the corner with an attitude then Do Not come to one of our nights "TOUCH N TEASE" Isn't for you, Our nights are specialy designed for people who have been working hard doing there own thing all week and want to come somewhere at the weekend to have a good time,The "TOUCH N TEASE" vibe is second to none.If you are an artist that wants to appear on one of our nights send us a message we will get right back to you. If you just want to contact us with a suggestion or comment please do so we are here to listen. Take a look at our pics we are always adding new ones and who knows you might just see yourself.
Take a look below at our first event it was a roadblock with "Donnell Jones" Performing. Take a look at our BIG nite with "SWAY" along with "NDUBZ" The only way you can get a pic of you in the crowd is by being There !!!!! Take a look at our BIG nite with The One And Only "PRETTY RICKY" The only way you can get a pic of you in the crowd is by being There !!!!!