Public nudity, cooking, exercise, trying to eat healthy, public urination, wearing tights, giant shoes, dancing at inappropriate times, people who talk like Jar Jar Binks, pretending like I have a lot of money, sexual harassment, trying to find keys in the woods, Alec Baldwin, telling new people that my name is Dave Lynch, making scary faces at kids in super markets, making Burton Frey get really drunk, getting hustled for $5.00, "The Hype Guy", detoxing, and selling my car.
I'd like to meet:
A bunch of middle aged women so they can tip me.
Will Lee's Gifts
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Forest Gump, Hook, Tommy Boy, Planes Trains and Automobiles, The Cube Series... I like a lot of stuff... not so much new torture movies. Why would I want to get really uncomfortable while watching a movie while I could be pissing myself from laughter?
Quality Sitcoms... All of them. Thanks TivoFrasier = #1
Jim Carey, William Wallace, Mr. Glenn Sr., etc.