Medicine, Music, Martial Arts, Books, Reading, Science Fiction, Fantasty, Gaming, Neuroscience, Mythology, Dancing, Fandom, Fanfic, and many other things that I don't have time to type out
I would love to meet open minded people with a deep and abiding love of all things and a willingness to enjoy life to the fullest. I would also love to meet people who are brilliantly funny and have a great presence to fill the world with. I'll take these as an and/or proposition, you don't have to be both that'd just be keen. And don't sell yourself short I know plenty of people who are bitterly angry or saddened by life and would give anything for a chance to screw it back over, but they're really funny in their own ways, so feel free to come a knockin' (or e- mailing as it were) and let me decide how wonderful I think you are.
Techno, Jazz, Trance, 80s Music, Swing, Alternative Rock, Pop, Dance, and a passel of styles I don't even bother to seperate into genre but listen to everyday off of my computer
This is like picking your favorite child, you can do it, but its really cruel..., Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Matrix, Little Shop of Horrors, The Three Amigos, Amelie, Chocolate, Moulin Rouge, Chicago
The Wheel of Time, The Death Gate Cycle, Harry Potter, Fanfic, I Want To Go Home, Schizmatrix, Artemis Fowl, limited as that looks I like reading just about anything, I'm easy (just not cheap!)