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About Me

I live. I love. I work. Anything else you want to know just ask.... Don't be shy.

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My Interests

You Are Samuel Adams
You're fairly easy to please when it comes to beer - as long as it's not too cheap.
You tend to change favorite beers frequently, and you're the type most likely to take a "beers of the world" tour.
When you get drunk, you're fearless. You lose all your inhibitions.
You're just as likely to party with a group of strangers as you are to wake up in a very foreign place. What's Your Beer Personality?
You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down. What Mixed Drink Are You?

I'd like to meet:

any one

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Mean Girls, The Lost Boys, The Goonies


Desperate Housewives, Grey's anatomy, real world,

My Blog

update part two

well, guess I don't have much more to update.  I am renting a house, no more living in the basement of my mother's house. It's about time I say. actually it's long over due, couldn't stand living...
Posted by Amy on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:39:00 PST

Wedding update and such

So this is my wedding update for the time being.  We have the reception place booked, it's at fish lake. the only place around here that can accomadate all of our friends and family. the cermony ...
Posted by Amy on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:28:00 PST

Life is crazy

Life is good, well except for Craig still being in burnsvile. I have a good paying job just got a postiton with more hours, now maybe I can afford to pay off that new car I bought. Alot of things have...
Posted by Amy on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 05:35:00 PST

stupid people

You know I thought that when you got older the highschool drama shit would go away. I'v come to realalize that it doesn't or at least some people don't grow out of that crap.     ...
Posted by Amy on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:39:00 PST

winter wonderland

I had things to write, but when I sit down to write a blog my mind goes blank. Anywho...... isn't this snow just wonderfull. My back and arms are sore from shoveling, I didn't want to but I had to go ...
Posted by Amy on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 12:27:00 PST

my pesonality, ( i don't know if it fits me)

My Personality Neuroticism54Extraversion43Openness To Experience12Agreeableness56Conscientiousness13 You are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time a...
Posted by Amy on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:15:00 PST

I love this song

not much for my first blog, but I thought I would share that I absolutly love this song.   .hov:hover{background-color:yellow}Music Video: htm...
Posted by Amy on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:12:00 PST