Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle profile picture

Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle

Fo Sho!

About Me

"I'm Nick and I mainly use myspace to pick up small children. So far I have met many young children like Young Sam "just finished potty training" Colston, Ollie "Please clean my nappy" Chapman and Rossco "Wet Behind the Ears" Williams. I like to take them to our "special places" like "The Wheatsheaf Child Day Care Centre" in Esher where I hang out most days.Another way I find to pick up children is by playing at kids parties with my band Fubar...we sing all the classics like "Wheels on the Bus", "Incy Wincy Spider" and "Tellytubbies"...if you want to book us for a childs birthday please visit our myspace at ....we offer low rates and our guitarist and lead singer Tiz has just been taken off the sex offenders list so he's perfectly safe to deal with young children..." ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------As you can probably gather from above this is all not strictly true....i'm actually just a normal bloke who has a works hard, plays harder attitude who likes hanging out with his mates and plays in a band! What more could you want from life?! I love it! I just came back from travelling in Germany and Eastern Europe...was well good you should go sometime! I love talking to new people so please add me by all means!

My Interests

My interests include playing bass guitar for Fubar (see below), hanging out with my mates who are the most awesome bunch of people ever and going to see Iron Maiden as much as i can!lol

I'd like to meet:

All 6 Bonds playing cards against each other!Exclusive Neighbours In London Preview


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dont make me choose :'(


Neighbours and Family GuyTurns out i'm actually clever lol



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*chants* There's only one Sam Saaaammmmm Colston!

My Blog

Germany Diary Part 3

Hello again...a week has past since my last diary part so I thought it was a good time to post another!The first part of last week wasnt that exciting after we got back from Berlin...well I mean not t...
Posted by Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 06:07:00 PST

Germany Diary Part 2

Yo Yo Yo What Up?! I've been in Berlin all weekend...and as lots of people read my blog last time i've decided to post up a part 2 for all you beautiful and some of you not so beautiful peop...
Posted by Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:58:00 PST

Germany Diary Part 1

Hello all and greeting from Germany the home of big sausagues and David Hasselhoff fans!Thought I would put this blog to some actual use and write about my trip....some of you may enjoy it some of you...
Posted by Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 05:32:00 PST

Updated Top 8 one year on!

Sammy C and I were looking through our old blogs and we saw that i had posted this about the top 8 exactly a year ago today so ive decided to update it....(please note although Fubar is number on...
Posted by Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 06:15:00 PST

my top 8

1. Sammy C 2. Chapman3. Sammy R4. Steph5. Scott6. Maz 7. Unass8. Rossco 1) Why is the person in spot 1 there? Cos he's Sammy C! and he just kinda ended up there! 2) Have you ever hugged 6? Maz an...
Posted by Nicky Bizzle Double Dizzle on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 09:57:00 PST