Fighting Villians, Superman Saving Me:)
Superman Theme Song
Superman Returns, Superman And The Teddy Bear, superman vs spiderman(my fav), Superman and me, Superman and the train tracks, superman to the rescue, Superman and the giant Mushroom, Superman and the engadgedment party, superman down under, Superman on top, Superman visits Australia, Superman visits india, superman visits africa, superman visit antarcita, superman goes fishing, superman climbes mt everest, superman gets hurt, superman is not a virgin anymore, superman travels the 7 seas, superman falls in love, superman explodes, superman experiences thing his never experienced befor, superman and the magic mushrooms, superman turns emo, superman, turns a geek, superman turns gay, superman becomes a hero, superman superman, superman and his weapon of mass destructure, superman teaches maths, Superman becomes a teacher, superman becomes an astronaut, superman kills bill, superman discoveres that harry potter is not real, and finally i love Titanic
SUPERMAN. and spiderman a little:)