I believe that you MUST know humility to be real with yourself, and to others. Confidence is great and all, but arrogance is my worst pet peeve, and I refuse to put up with it on ANY level... period."I THINK WHEN WE DANCE WE ARE GOD'S , AND I ALSO THINK THIS IS WHAT GOD WANTS "
HongsavathI LOVE COFFEE !!!!i cry when i see bums, i gave my coat and my kids coats away, in dead middle of winter, downtown chicago, be cause thr were homeless people who needed them. if i won a million dollars i probably wouldnt keep it. i would give it all away. money is ugly, greedy, and will kill us all one day.i see myself as caring and compasionate about everything around me, a bit of a temper, butyou learn to deal with it.i love to talk and i love to listen. people often dont take in the wise words that fall around them. wisdom is gained and retained. not already known. i like people with substance, opinions, no ignorance. i have so many friends on here, but i like them all. the list just wont stop building.each of them everyday bring me light. i'am full of energy, the energizer bunny is what they call me! i dont ever stop. i dont know how to relax. i cant watch a movie all the way through without getting up 500 times. i would rather have a beer with the guys, and play cards. i smoke wayyyyy to much. i love people that smile, and laugh. i love people that can cry and complain. I just love people who are real. I have great friends, and i take care of them just as they do me. you either like me a lot, or you dont at all. you know the minute you meet me. i'am the person that stands out , that talks the most, i instigate almost every conversation, and i will always tap into your interests. i listen well, and i fight well. although i seem hardcore by the looks of my page, i have such a wondeful flower inside that is always in bloom. THE BEST ADVICE i could ever give anyone is....always analyze everything in your life! think before you move, life is like a game of chess. its a good thing we get to play over and over again!
open minded fun people ............tired of stupid people .... around here your either damned or dumb. i would rather meet the damned and be the damned. i find people amusing but often within much need of some character and or of morals ,values.
torin, dj dan, ..... ,D-NOX, grayson miller ,....dj irene , tiesto , armin , oliver klien ,sally doolally,dj tatiana,dj lahasa,Habersham,jeff andvik,robbie lopez,tracy tobey,bryan cox,james lauher,LRCN, christopher paul,morgan page,303 infinity, global dj's,duderstadt STONEFACE AND TERMINALAVB, above and beyond, solar strings, fergie, dj candy kid, dj icey,gabriel dresden , jeff mills , ferry corsten,carl cox, ..... i love house, trance , breakbeats , drum and bass ,techno, hard house , sara mclachlan ,markus schulz , jimmie page, tod miner,blank and jones , johan cielen, marco v,sasha , paul oakenfold , billy the kid ,bad boy bill, atb, greenday , kelly clarkson ,blink 182 , the cure, goo goo dolls,311, dave mathews, the flys , bush, 3 doors down, kika , tori amos,journey, david bowie, cyndi lauper ,prince, a lot of 80's music and i LOVE PUNK, ,smashing pumpkins, finger 11
the green mile , snatch , locked stocked and two smoking barrels , a beautiful mind , the shawshank redemption. the gladiato, braveheart , lord of the rings . KILL BILL. disney, NEMO, MADAGASCAR , TOY STORY, ICE AGE
political shit, cookbooks, poetry, lots of bullshit. i like to read the new book of knowledge :) ya i am a nerd at heart
My Mother and my Husband! and those dj's and dj lovers