Amanda profile picture


About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
name: Amanda Jane
live: Washington DC/ Farmington CT
hometown: Farmington
heritage: 50% Italian (but it feels like more lol) german, english, irish
occupation: attendee of GWU!
relationship status: divorced
political party: very liberal, rather not put a name to it
religion: hm thats a tough one, christian i suppose
height: 5' 7"
eye color: brown
hair color: dark brown
car: hopefully getting new one!
pets: a chocolate lab pooch!
color: teal or magenta!
number: uh 10...i dunno its my bday
animal: big dogs!
food: anything with tomato sauce! i really like those ice pop things too
drink: shirley temple! (or beer)
desert: tiramisu, or gelato is pretty darn sweet too
flower: daffodils and other pretty ones??
music: most all of it! spanish stuff, classical, bluegrass, techno, pop, rock, international stuff...
song: ay no clue
actor/actress: i
store: i dont know if i could live without a grocery store.

tv show: jimmy neutron! lol desperate housewives, family guy
movie: look under that category on my profile! duhhh
game: taboo is real fun, and drunken twister. oo yea and balderdash!
website: uh i dont like any really, im on facebook and myspace an awful lot though
sport: lacrosse, swimming and dance!
team: red sox
month: august...summer and birthday...what could be better??
quote: "be the change you wish to see in the world"- ganghi
perfume/cologne: victoria secret spell and pure seduction....i mean come on just listen to the names!
biggest weakness: o boy...where should i start? thats one right there.
biggest fear: not being good enough
new years resolution: certainly didnt have one for this year um maybe study? thats sounds good
most overused phrase: i love this question and how everyone says lol or ok or something, but is that really a phrase? i would say its "i feel like.." at least from my experience
&..39;best physical feature:' my eyes?
best personality trait: i love to laugh
bf/gf: i prefer boys
do you workout: not as much as i should
peircings: ears
tatoos: uh no
if you won 500 million dollars: o man thats a lot of money...go to grad school and not have to worry, travel a lot! prob give a lot away to family and friends and what not
best friend: they know who they are
dream car: something not too flashy
biggest turn on: musicians... no doubt about it
biggest turn off: insensitivity, making fun of people and saying gay or fat comments and things like that
how many kids do you want: who knows
names for kids: are ya kidding?
dream wedding: with the man i love?
dream honeymoon: tropical, exotic or europe...who has this all thought out?!
alarm clock set for: depends on the day...somewhere between 9-10 usually
are you named after anyone: that would be cool, but no
last thing you ate: full
alergies: milk alittle, but i kinda just ignore that :/
first thing you notice about the opposite sex: i think i notice hair strangley enough, but i like good hands, smile and eyes (cliche i know)
alcoholic drink preference: beer or very weak frozen drinks
what order do you eat skittles in: what order? theres an order??
have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: maybeee
ever tried any drugs: thats a secret
most common question you get asked: "are those real?" no jk! um probaly something more like "have you done the hw?" ( im not sure why they still ask)
if you had to give up one of your senses...: touch, well maybe smell cuz then unhealthy food wont taste good
addictions: the internet...if anyone knows of any support groups let me know
what did you do over the summer: so long ago...lets talk about what i will do...WORK
where have you traveled to: all over the US, mexico, el salvador, canada, france, great britain, carribean
whats your zodiac sign: leo, heck yea im a lion!
if you were the opp sex what would ur name be: juan? i dont know wtf?
if you could change your name to anything: stop with the stupid questions
age you wish you were: 21 or 22
do you have a webpage: myspace doesnt count? lol
bad habbits: procrasitnating, being unorganized
what are your number one priorities in life: my family...o how cliche, but its true!
what must you do before you die: i think that im living my life pretty well, i wont die wishing i had done anything more
who is your celebrity idol: my idol is monsenor romero
ever had surgery: wisdom teeth is as bad as it gets for me
ever had a medical emergency: uh sprained my
ever had a one night stand: of sex... no
do you believe in love at first sight: nope :(
do you believe in soul mates: yea kinda not necessarily a boy though
what happens when we die:&..39;
best present anyone's ever gave you: when i was 5 i got kitty surprise and i thought the world couldnt get any better...ive got some pretty awesome cards which have made my world too
if you had three wishes: i think it would be cool to be able to apperate like in harry potter, also to be exceptional at school or a sport or dance or something, and to just have some singing ability would be nice too
3 things you couldnt live without:
3 people you couldnt live without: my mom! probably emilia, and emily defintely got me through freshman year of college!
Get your own countdown at

My Interests

politics, tomato sauce, sushi, guacamole, friends, Gilmore Girls, Desparte Housewives, el salvador, human rights, lacrosse, swimming, dance, the summer, laughing, driving and singing really loudly, hot chocolate, spanish music, spontaneity (yea one of my stong points is not spelling, i'm not sure how right that is), cosi, fair trade, rock climbing, camping, the outdoors, skiing, snowboarding, watching the stars, reading, the internet, bike riding, getting caught in the rain, getting away, tropical vacations,

I'd like to meet:

Albert Einstein


Dispatch, Coldplay, Ben Folds, Guster, Nickel Creek, Bob Marley, Keane, Beatles, Belle and Sebastian, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Aqualung, Jack Johnson, Maroon 5, Death Cab for Cutie, Pedro the Lion, Simon and Garfunkel, Travis, Cuban music, salsa, anything from the 80's and 90's,...techno, classical, jazz, bluegrass...i love it all


Love Actually, Edwared Sissorhands, American History X, Constant Gardner, Crash, Ice Age, Donnie Darko, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, The Notebook, Pirates of the Caribbean, Elf, Back to the Future (not the 3rd), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Night at the Roxbury, Voces Inocentes, scary movies...i dont know i can never think of these things off the top of my head...


Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, That 70's Show, Will and Grace, Seinfield, Family Guy, Friends, CSI, Jimmy Neurton, all the old nick shows form the early 90's!


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, Catcher in the Rye, America, Lovely Bones, Harry Potter, Candide, Survivor, Da Vinci Code, Never Let Me Go, Night, Going After Cacciato...


Monsenor Romero

My Blog


if you are one of those people who hates complainers, i would recommend that you find something else to do rather than read this...Ok so I'm just going to put this out there. ...
Posted by Amanda on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:06:00 PST


Well I'm not much of a writer but i dont really have anyhting better to be doing right now because my parents are stupid and wouldnt let me sleep over sara's....argh. So dance is over....after 11 yea...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dispatch Movie!!

Ok so Dispatch has a movie coming out July 29th! whooo hoooo. They are also trying to raise 25,000 dollars to help a village in Zimbabwe...check out Millie and I are going to be do...
Posted by Amanda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST