ESSJ-UCSC profile picture


ii TriIEd 2 HaRd To KeeP U iiN my LiiFe WeN U WeRE DriiFTn.LUV u BT FUCK U

About Me

***AiiTe iiZ Mercedes YuP MERCy LiiKe Da CaRRo AiiT So iiM 17 WiiT A BuLLiiT PPLz SoY Yo HaSta la MaDre ii CouLD GiVVa FUkk ii LuV To PARTY!!! Nd THeN PaSS OuT Or StaY Up Fr DaYz AFTR iiM a MiiX MeX FrM BiiG BaD EAST SAN JO HoMe Of Tha SHARKz [408] PPLz TeLL Me ii LooK LiiKe A GaNGsTa [ii AiiNT] ii JuSS KiiCK iiT WiiT BLUE HoMiiEz MeX Or BLaK Nd SuM rojo PPLz TeLL Me ii LooK LiiKe A SkooL GuRL [ii AM] iiM GuD Nd SkooL, GoiiN To UCSC iiN Tha FaLL PPLz TeLL Me ii LooK LiiKe a RocKeR [iiM NoT] NiiGGa ii LuV SLaYR Nd DeeP PuRPLe To CaNNiiBaL CoRPse AiiTe So iiM a CoNsiiDeRd To B a BiiTCH iiF ii DnT Liike Yu. iiM FuCKN MeaN Nd RuDe BuuT iiF ii LiiKeZ U TheN Ur Ma BuDDY/HoMiiE/NiiGGa PoR ViiDa ii AiiNT CoNceiiTd Nd HaTe PPLz Who R ii HATE BEiiNG TOLD HOW TO ACT/BE/TALK/THiiNK ***My MoST PriiZeD ThiiNg iiZ MySeLF CuZ iiM THa MoSt CoMPLiiCaTeD PerSoN TheRe CaN B AnD ii LiiVe iiT Up Nd LuV iiT ii LiiKE BOYZ!!!!!!!!! BUScaNDo Eh. LooK iiM ReaL Nd WnT SuM1 ReaL FuCk A FaKe VaTo ii HaDF SUM1 FUCK WiiT Ma HEaRt N Ma HeaD ii HOpE HE NEvR FiiNDs A HYNA LiiKe ME ii LOVE U BUT FUCK UAiiT iiM FuCKn DoNe
Gangster MySpace Comments
||= fuck what you heard .. recognize what you see .. i know you heard rumors, forget them ..[ heres the real me]=||
*~+~My ShYt Is OrIgInAl I dOnT bItE oR bOrRoW i JuS dO mY tHiNg AnD wAtCh BiiTCheS FoLLoW ~+~*
*~*~*~never let go of anythiinq you can..t go a day without [ Thinking ] about*~*~*
*..•??those nitez??×:•..• ??•..•wen u cant fall asleep.??•..• ??•..•maybe itz bcuz ur??•..• ??•..•caught in sumone elses??•..• ??•..•d r e a m z??•..*
my name is what hoes tend to mention .. keep talking bitches .. i love the attention
When are we going to be together

Will u love me now or will it take forever

I Love you always with all my heart

Be with you and never apart

With this poem I have one thing in mind

You just have to read the first word in each line...M3rc3 M3rc3 M3rc3 M3rc3 SharKz 408 M3rc3 ESSJ M3rc3 M3rc3 ThoMaz THoMAz LuV U Mercedes 408 M3rc3 ThoMAz M3rc3 EaSt SiiDe SaN Jo SaN Jo ThoMaS M3rc3 ThomAz
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The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: dark brown
Height:: 5''5
Favorite Color:: blu3
Screen Name:: hahha ryte
Favorite Band:: a lot
Favorite Movie:: lots
Favorite Show:: same ^
Your Car:: SLK 500 Mercedes Benz
Your Hometown:: San Jose, California
Your Present Town:: San Jose
Your Crushes First Name:: many guys...hmm
Your Grade:: 10
Your Style:: rock/rap
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yupp
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes
Danced in a public place?: of course
Smiled for no reason?: ryte now
Laughed so hard you cried?: hurted
Peed your pants after age 8?: not that i can remember
Written a song?: yes
Sang to someone for no reason?: umm i think so
Performed on a stage?: hell no
Talked to someone you don't know?: all da time
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yupp
Made out in a theatre?: hehehe
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yupp
Been in love?: nope
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: josh
Tell you, I love you?: umm kim
Kiss you?: ummm david
Hug you?: chico
Tell you BYE?: chente
Write you a note?: stacey
Take your photo?: bianca
Call your cell phone?: Tonio
Buy you something?: Toro
Go with you to the movies?: bianca, angelo
Sing to you?: ummm cant member
Write a poem about you?: umm iono
Text message you?: silverio
Touch you?: sergio t.
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: ryte now
Time you cried?: never
Movie you watched?: half baked
Joke you told?: to hakeem..hes racist..its funny
Song you've sang?: montell jordans this is how we do it
Time you've looked at the clock?: uhhh now
Drink you've had?: heheheh last nite was cinco de mayo?
Number you've dialed?: reesi
Book you've read?: uhhhh gangsta dreamz
Food you've eaten?: pollo
Flavor of gum chewed?: sandia
Shoes you've worn?: lebron james
Store you've been in?: torrid
Thing you've said?: forget u
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: yupp
Blow a bubble?: of course
Roll your tounge in a circle?: u kno it
Cross your eyes?: hell no
Touch your tounge to your nose?: almost
Dance?: damn str8
Gleek?: wat
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yea
Speak a different language?: espanol
Impersonate someone?: depends...
Prank call people?: all da time
Make a card pyramid?: almost
Cook anything?: only mexican
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: billionaire i would own the world
I wish ...: i had everything so that i could care less about anything
So many people don't know that ...: i can be loud, nice, or smart...
I am ...: crazy beyond belief and many dont understand
My heart is ...: hard to find but once u do...ur stuck in it
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i want to meet someone who can teach me how to be a good girlfriend. Someone who is there for me when I really need them & someone who can actually help with my problems instead of pretending to. Someone who I can tell anythin & know that it..s kept as a secret, someone who I can make fun of but.. they still knows I love him &s omeone who loves me for me & not what I..m not<3 Someone who would hold my hand in line aht the mall & make those other ghurls jealous. Somoene who would bet me kisses that he can beat me ahht all old games &let me me win, someone who would make funn of me so he can hear me laugh & someone who would surprise me with twentyfive cents ring. I want someone who could share lolipops with, someone who would take me to the park just to lay under the stars all night & the watch me go to sleep & someone who would give me his favorite sweater slash jacket. Someone who would call me mee ahht three in the mornin.. &ask me whaa.. I..m doin.., someone who..ll make me laugh like no one else can &someone who keep a picture of me in his wallet. I want someone who smiles when he hears my name everytime he hears iht. I want someone to be there no matter whaa.. always & forever. I..ll be his everything &he..ll be even more to me. Butt.. mostly, someone who would be my bestfriend & would never break my heart. I want him to love me forever & commite..d to stay with me forever just like I will to him
~yA thiNkiN uR aLL boUt piMpiN n baLLiN playa please iM tHa tYpE oF gUrL wHoO goT u tRipPiN n FaLLiN~

U GoT nO rEaSoN tO bE jEaLoUs, i'Ve nEvEr bEeN uNtRuE........ sO wHaT's iT rEaLlY mAtTeR iF ThEy lOoKiN? i'M oNlY lOoKiN aT U

A man is a king, a king is a ruler, a ruler is 12 inches, still think ur a man??

TuFf tO bEaT? bYtCh iM uNsToPpAbLe TrYiN tA bLaZe mE? hAhA .M.i.S.s.I.o.N..i.M.p.O.s.S.i.B.L.e
ThiiS iiS Ma NiiGGa HaKeEm Nd ii Luv HiiM Nd He LuVs Me 2 Nd ThiiS iiS HiiS SaD FuTuRe

Nd ThiiS iiS BiiN Ma BeSt FrD SiiNcE ii WaS 11 nd ShE BiiN ThRu HeLLa ShiiT WiiT Me Nd No MaTTeR How MaD ii Am At HeR Or HeR At Me We LuV EaChOtHeR.
LooK HeRe iiT iiS Me .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

i luv lots of readin n musik...n writin...watever..chillin


Gangster Myspace Graphics / Myspace Quotes | Layouts

I'd like to meet:

iiD LuV To MeeT HeLLa PPL LiiKe Koo ASS PPL nd SuM FiiNe ASS GuyS O GuRLs NaW JuSS KiiDN. *WeLLz YeA ii WaNNa HaVe BiiLLy iiDOL* 1.ThaT DwN ASS VaTo WhOz Fr Me


i luv musik...i luv...: ja rule, no doubt, banshees, mxpx, rancid, notorious big, lil kim, p diddy, lil cuete, lil menace, lil rob, ms sancha, mr sancho, mr capone e, luniz, tupac, lil player, og, brotha lynch hung, e-40, dem franchie boyz, d4l, selena, amanda perez, avant, slipknot, new edition, metallica, hatebreed, prince, michael jackson, janet jackson, three 6 mafia, usher, proper dos, paul wall, nelly, ludacris, too short, get low playas, mista fab, mr kee, extreme, intocable, alejandro sanz, antonio aguilar, pepe aguilar, kumbia kings, jesse mccartney, greg raposo, deep purple, black sabbath, dreamstreet, 3lw, loon, joss stone, b2k, lil fizz, eminem, chamillionaire, bizzy bone, layzie bone, krazy bone, trick daddy, dru hill, tony braxton, nick cannon, nb riddaz, gemini, fat joe, ashanti, play n skills, papoose, mr shadow, califa thugs, central coast clique, dyablo, silk, silk the shocker, master p, sammy, lil zane, malverde, 112, 2 live crew, 213, 2mex, 3 doors down, 415, duran duran, depeche mode, aaliyah, ace of base, acida bath, adassa, aerosmith, akon, akwid, al green, alanis morrisette, alexis y fido, alice cooper, alicia keys, allicia villareal, alien ant farm, all 4 one, all american rejects, andre nickatina, angelina, angie martinez, anthony hamilton, anthrax, anti flag, black flag, aqua, armour for sleep, atreyu, avenged sevenfold, aventura, don omar, ivy queen, daddy yankee, rbd, aztec tribe,b legit, baby bash, baby rasta y gringo, baby, baby ranks, big boi, bad religion, ballin ass dame, bane, barenacked ladies, bbmack, bebe, big punisher, big tymers, chris brown, thalia, lil wayne, juvenile, the federation, the frontline, billy idol, bimbo, biz markie, blondie, bloods nd crips, bob marley, blue oyster cult, bobby brown, bon jovi, boston, boys 2 men, brandy, brian mcknight, brian adams, adan, brides of destruction, brown pride riders, brown intentions, a flock of seagulls, bubba sparxx, ying yang twins, eve, pitbull, tony tun tun, bugzy, bun b, bush, creed, coheed nd cambria, busta rrhymes, cbo, cmurda, cafe tacyba, cake, cali life styles, calle 13, cam'ron, snoop dogg, nate dogg, nas, cassidy, cannibal corpse, casualties, misfits, cauterize, celly cel, cellski, ea ski, mac dre, champ bailey, chep trick la chat, chevelle, chico debarge, children if bodom, chingo bling, chingy, choppa, chuli, city high, the clash, the doors, the rolling stones, climax, clyde carson, cold, color me bad, conejo, lil ese joker, control machete, coolio, corey, corey hart, cougnut, coyote shivers, cradle of filth, craig david, cranberries, cream, crime mobb, la cripta, crooked stilo, crossfade, culture club, the cure, cypress hill, da brat, david bowie, david banner, dave navarro, dead or alive, dead poetic, deftones, demphra, devil driver, disturbed, korn, dmx, dttx, doja click, big mato, n.o.r.e, champ baily, la negra, lumidee, enrique guzman, zz top, jhene, coheed nd cambria, tank, vengaboys, dr. dre, dresen dolls, dropkick murphys, drowning pool, dubee, the eagles, eazy e,opeth, arch enemy, lyfe jennings, sean paul, keyshia cole, luni coleone, keke,goapele, the a'z, taylor, adina howard, swv, hieroglyphics, nakia shine, goddamn ill just stop ryte now


theres a whole bunch....queen of the damned, interview wit a vampire, twinpeaks, requieam for a dream, fear and loathing in las vegas, a bronx tale, mall rats, jay and silent bob, troy, lion king, hello is dee dee there?, friday, corpse bride, nightmare before christmas, etc...


alot i guess....


i read a a nerd...hmm....lets c....christopher pike, anne rice, s.p. somtown, paolini, kelley armstrong, v.c. andrews, c.s. lewis, uhh tamora pierce, cate tierman, elrod, luis rodriguez, arturo gutierrez,knopf, diane jones, laurell k. hamilton etc, l.a banks, lot of fiction...


My Blog

ThouGHTs-stupidity is an airborne disease

.RIP SOLD13R...        &n bsp;    87-08    &nb sp;         &nb sp;  ...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 06:58:00 PST

shit talkers

damn i havnt written in a long as time but ok lets c....umm lifes ok except the fact that im failing at skool, my dad aint talkin 2 me....and bitches everywhere wanna talk shit and say im a bop but be...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:40:00 PST


ryte now i am packin my shit to get my ass to vegas wit ma adorable cuz..nd sry to every1 but i am gon b gon for bout a miss me miss me i kno i kno....dnt worry u can call me on ma cell whic...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 05:16:00 PST


damn skool is almost more day nd then its gonna miss playin wit ppl nd shit its hella well today was very nd hakeem had fun fuckin wit each other...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 07:51:00 PST

mississippi, louisian, nd alabama nd 1 week

at my weird skool we get an entire week off and go out to have really fun trips with different teachers.this year i picked to go to a hurricane katrina relief one..nd the tickets were donated by south...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Sun, 28 May 2006 05:29:00 PST

santa cruz

i juss got bak from santa cruz university it lasted bout 3 days nd 2 was fuckin hella fun was me, kim, xochilt, easy oops i mean izzy, jama, nd aj da rest dnt matte...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Mon, 15 May 2006 08:48:00 PST


ok so wassup ppl? yayay it bin a long time so lemme put it like dis...since da last time i updated...hmmm.... ive had like 2 boiz since da beginnin of da year...juss broke up wit da last one..we kool....
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 09:07:00 PST


agarre contactos!! finally took forever but i got them so its all good..yaya...anywayz yea it hurt at first but im still gettin used to them.. one sec i c perfectly and another i cant c shit so yea.. ...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 07:59:00 PST


ok so we just had fuckin skool start all over again ryte? well the first 2 days were complete and utter bullshit so thats over with.. new ppl...freshman r gay oh and yea my bday was like 2 days ago..t...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 01:22:00 PST

yb camp

ok i kno this might sound weird so yea i went to yb camp and if u dont kno wat that is its yearbook camp and it cost like 500 dollars to go to yb thank god i didnt pay shit b/c ima cheap me...
Posted by ESSJ-UCSC on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST