durrrrrrrrrrrrr profile picture


Get in, Get out.

About Me

Acting tough is gay. I'll hit you with my fucking car. A few thousand tons of steel moving at high speeds is pretty tough. Especially while you're sitting in your living room. Growing up in the suburbs is not a rough life. Buying a fitted hat, wearing it sideways and putting the name of your "crew" on it is along the same lines of douche baggery as wearing a polo shirt with a popped collar. Food for thought.

My Interests

Tom-foolery, tom-catting or any other of the Tom verbs essentially.

I'd like to meet:

Frank Castle


This week:


I like movies written/directed by Luc Besson, Ridley Scott, Stanley Kubrick, Takashi Miike and David Lynch.


I've stopped watching TV.


I read only existentialist novellas so I can get artsy chicks.


I've never watched Heroes.

My Blog

I guess this is part of getting older

    Recently, much to my, I guess you'd call it dismay. Well actually, it'd be somewhere between dismay and a feeling of slight uncomfort, I learned two really good friends of mine are ...
Posted by durrrrrrrrrrrrr on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:27:00 PST

I was going to buy one of those super sweet

    Fitted 59/fifty baseball hats. You know, the kind with the flat brims and the all over print. But then I didn't, because I don't crave penis.
Posted by durrrrrrrrrrrrr on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 05:20:00 PST

You cant make a diamond from a lump of shit

    I was probably crazy to think, even for a second, that I could make anything positive come out such a negative city. I realize, now more than ever, that this entire region is little...
Posted by durrrrrrrrrrrrr on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 04:58:00 PST

Upon dwelling in deep thought

    I came to realize that sentiment or rather the act of being or feeling sentimental is a strange and powerful thing. Much like love. It strikes me as odd, as to how a human being can...
Posted by durrrrrrrrrrrrr on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:37:00 PST

A Poem: If I was in a sweet indie rock band

I would replace all the L's in my bands name with exclamation points. If I was in a sweet indie rock band....I would wear a tweed jacket all the time. ALL THE TIME.If I was in a sweet indie rock band....
Posted by durrrrrrrrrrrrr on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 07:46:00 PST

Poor ConnieB

Status: Looking for a guide ...Status: Connected to guide: ConnieBConnieB: Welcome to ChaCha!ConnieB: Hello how are you this evening?You: I'm fine. Just put my youngest to bed. He's a little sick. :(C...
Posted by durrrrrrrrrrrrr on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 06:06:00 PST