Miranda profile picture


About Me

Hey...Well I'm a very unique person. I am really fuckin cool. Im really cool to be around and I am so outgoing. I am a proud Lesbian, and I love for everyone to know. I can't stand it when guys hit on me, it really bothers me. I love Death Metal, 80s, 80s punk, (some) heavy metal, and I love ICP, Twiztid and KMK. Oh also AMB! (Axe Murder Boys). I'm just sooo awesome lol. I like to smoke bud, snort coke, and smoke meth (ONLY SOMETIMES, IM NOT A CHICKEN HEAD or A TWEAKER THOUGH K). I like to drink JD, CR, and other shit. I smoke Marlboro Reds, camel "Turkish Royal", and Newports. I love rainbows, strawberry shortcake, carebears (espically Cheer Bear), fairys, and myself! I love my buddies Amanda, RaVeN, Amber, Brittany, Krystal, Kelly, Nikki. I like to sleep, eat, drive, party, shower, have sex w/ hot girls, I LOVE TO EAT PUSSY!!!, Im 17 and I'll be 18 May 15. Im so excited. Im going to my first strip club! YaY! And then I'll do some drugs and get drunk! This might bore someone to read this because its so long, but if you dont like it you dont have to read it...I like it though. I love me! I love my life (sometimes)...Im just cool as fuck! ***ITS ALL ABOUT THE BLUE, BLOW, BITCHES and BUD! ***

My Interests

Death, Death Metal, Piercings, tattoos, rainbows, queers, driving, partying, doing drugs, pokin smot (smokin pot), hangin out w/ my buddies, shopping, checking out girls, collecting Johnny Depp things, (lol), um...going to concerts...OTEP COMES IN JULY! I GOTTA SAVE $$$$$$$$$$...lol. um...dancing, head banging, having sex, um...thats about it lol thats all I can think of Miranda

I'd like to meet:

well...I'd like to meet a hot girl, whos smart, funny, outgoing, not afraid to express her HOMOsexuality...NO BISEXUALS YALL ARE STUPID! lol. Sorry but u are. um...im sure I wont meet someone off the net though because Im hot enough to meet people in person lol...Ya know who live in CO w/ moi. Miranda


DEATH METAL: Arch Enemy, Lamb Of God, Otep, Kittie, Dark Funeral, Cradle Of Filth, Cannibal Corpse, (SO many more) METAL: Metallica, Godsmack, Megadeth, Pantera, Machine Head, RAP: icp, Twiztid, KMK, Tech N9ne DRUNK/HIGH music: Ace of Bass, Spice Girls, Yellowcard SLOW MUSIC: Cold, Bjork, The Cure, Depche Mode, Culture Club PUNKish: My Chemical Romance, The Used, NFG, AFI (thats all I can think of) ITS ALL GOOD MUSIC OH YEAH AND I LOVE AVRIL LAVIGNE


anything w/ Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in it




um..."A Child Called It", "Cut", "Korosene", "Mein Kampf"


my dad, my g-ma, ummm and ME

My Blog

TiNy StIfFy

HoWdY, wElL i Am In LuSt WiTh ThIs GiRl TiNy AkA tInY sTiFfY! sHe'S sO hOt AnD sHe HaS a GrEaT pErSoNaLiTy. ShE rOx! I rEaLlY wAnT hEr! MaYbE i ShOuLd AsK hEr OuT hUh? MaYbE! ThAt'S iT! LoVe, MiRaNd...
Posted by Miranda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST