FEVER JACK profile picture


CD’s & T-shirts available at www.feverjack.com

About Me

Formerly known as Black Cat Nine from 1999-2005, FEVER JACK exploded onto the European Hard Rock and Metal scene in 2006. In April 2005, the guys decided to go on hiatus for awhile. Roy decided to take a break from music while Andy continued building his new recording studio. In the fall of 2006, both Roy and Andy decided it was time to get the band back together and so they reformed and renamed the band "FEVER JACK" to represent a new chapter in their fight to the top.The band's new music blends Roy's no-nonsense-attitude vocals with Andy's blistering guitar solos, Maxx JJ's low end thump and Mikki's thunderous drums to concoct an effort bursting at the seams with Hard Rock and Metal anthems. The music is heavy and melodic with influences from Metal to American Hard Rock and other styles of heavy rock and alternative. They play what they feel and you can hear it in the music.The band is carving out its place among a wide demographic through extensive touring, heavy merchandise sales and great group of fans. They bring an aggressive sound, layered with refreshing and melodic hooks. With standout tracks like "Get the Hell Out," and "Stabbed in the Back", the music of Fever Jack appeals to hard rock/metal fans and non-metal fans alike.Emerging from Thiene, Italy, Fever Jack has soared to the top of the Heavy Music heap in 2008. Fever Jack has played with numerous major acts, as well as playing welcome back shows for U.S. Troops in Germany and Italy. They have also done many club gigs and motorcycle rallies, including headlining Born to Be Wild's Wild Life Run in July of 2007 with a weekend attendance of over 25,000 people.Fever Jack is destined to be a major part in the hard rock/metal landscape for years to come.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/4/2007
Band Website: feverjack.com
Band Members: Roy Reynolds: Vocals Andy Tonin: Lead Guitar Maxx JJ: Bass Guitar Mikki: Drums
Influences: Metal, Hard Rock, and Punk bands of the past and present that KICK ASS with heavy riffs, screaming vocals, shredding guitars, and thundering drums....we're talking totally aggressive yet with melody and intense headbanging!!!! HELL YEAH!!!
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Midwest Nailgun Records (U.S.A.)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Review of Get The Hell Out by AJ at midwestnailgun.com

I remember the moment I received this CD, because it knocked me on my ass. Being a jaded, cynical bastard that OCCASIONALLY judges books by their cover, I may have... ahem... assumed this was just ano...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 03:36:00 PST

Rock N Riot Productions Join the Family

We are proud to announce a new collaboration with Rock N' Riot  Productions based in Porto, Portugal.  They will be handing some of our online band promotion and street team work.&...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Sat, 31 May 2008 05:19:00 PST

Fever Jack on MNR Vol. 3 Compilation CD

Just wanted to let everyone know we have a song on the new Midwest Nailgun Records Vol. 3 Compilation CD.  It contains 17 tracks by bands from all corners of the world and is more than an hour lo...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:05:00 PST

GET THE HELL OUT is currently available to order in the FEVER JACK Merch Store

16 February 2008Our new CD, "GET THE HELL OUT" is currently available to order in the FEVER JACK Merch Store at http://www.feverjack.com  As we are a European based band, prices are in Euro....
Posted by FEVER JACK on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:09:00 PST


We are pleased to announce the WORLDWIDE release of "Get the Hell Out" on 20 February 08.   It will be available for pre-order shortly in the Fever Jack Merch store at http://www.feverj...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST

Teddy Makes The Band Better than Ever!!!

Hey, Hey, Hey, Just wanted to let you all know that Teddy is working out great on the drums.  I've known Teddy for years and I'm really stoked to have him in the band.  He is a true friend, ...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:29:00 PST


Hey everybody, just wanted to let you know that Paul has left the band for personal reasons.  We love the guy and wish him only the best! Fortunately for us, our good friend (and drummer) Teddy F...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:13:00 PST

Sad Day.....Kevin Dubrow R.I.P

Just thought I'd add a couple of words about how much of an influence Kevin Dubrow and Quiet Riot were on me when I was a wee little boy.  I remember the first time I heard "Cum on Feel the Noise...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 01:37:00 PST

Sometimes you’ve just gotta say Damn!

Sometimes you've just gotta say Damn!   Yesterday we had one of the best rehearsals a band could have.  I know it may be a bit corny talking about a simple band rehearsal, but I realize...
Posted by FEVER JACK on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 09:22:00 PST