I am interested in so many different things that I wouldn't know where to begin....
Only wonderful, kind hearted, good souled people that can make me laugh.... & that have a tongue that can move like Stewie's!!! Oooooolala
I am one of "those" who likes it all! From Chris Rocks, Wilson Phillips, BeeGee's, Sublime, Crystal Method to the soundtrack from Born on the Forth of July, & Nine Months....I like it all & if I like it all I usually always sing along.
All time favorite... Cry Baby! I have to say I love it! I even know the words to the songs... well I take that back I know the words to every scene, so that is like what, the whole movie.
I can't really say that there is one type of book I like... I read Tiger Eyes probably 5 times for 5 different book reports thoughout my school girl days. I hated reading since I can remember but can stand reading now-a-days but only if it something that interests me... So if it doesn't, I won't.
My parents