Jess profile picture



About Me

hey im simple for a girl! im easy going, have a heart of gold. i dont fall in love,like to let my hair down, be with people, but most importantly i love to laugh. laugh at myself and laugh at u. if you play me, ill play you twice as hard. if ur a slag or a man whore, thats not how i roll. I have a car, hes named elvis. my overused phrase is babes, i have a fish called king louis, he lives in my art room.---------------------Becky is a shit hot pile of sex! haha. totally outspoken, totally spoilt, shes one of a kind and i completly adore her. My best friend **** 'theres nobody i know that is more real to me and i hope that u know what you mean to me'. Cute MySpace Layouts
Girly MySpace Layouts

My Interests

gigs. the pub. my phone. sport. shoes. my cats. family. topshop. london. guys. liverpool fc. pink nail varnish. becky. tea. handbags. music. vogue. dancing. parties. new people. the beach. ducks. ugly betty. cocktails. wellyboots. sunglasses. photos. festivals. buckingham. ipod. hoidays. cookies. custurd doughnuts. england. jenson button. laughing


umm mainly indie stuff, maximo park, hot club de paris, little man tate, cribbs, enemy,pigeon detectives.and 'nu-rave' if u must call it that, klaxons ect... just good stuff like Kate Nash shes awesome, calvin harris, Feist, meg and dia, juliette and the licks


pretty much anyfin. give me a funi one..Superbad, American Pie, Jackass. or a rom-com..i hate being a total girl but hey what can i do


i go to school i see my heroes i go home i see my heroes