Official Myspace - Demon profile picture

Official Myspace - Demon

Dont hate be because im a made me this way!!!

About Me

Ok, so lovely myspace deleted my profile because of my out spoken thoughts...SO... lets start again...
Hi, my name is Vanessa, but most people know me as Demon - and if your lucky, you wont have to find out why!
So basically, I started as geeky girl, that no body liked...big coke bottle glasses, frizzy braids, plaid pants...the works! Then I became a model...and somehow along the way, ended up with the nickname Demon. And all because of my extremely short and havoc raising temper. I can go from nice to "Ill break your fucking neck" in 2 seconds.
I am who I am, Ill say what I want to say - and if you don't like it, get the fuck off my page. Its that simple.
"So whats the deal with calling yourself Demon?"
Well, to answer this on going question! This it started WAY back in the day, when I discovered the "goth" culture. I "assumed" that having the scariest, and most evil nick name would allow people to accept me as "gothic".
Honestly, I fucking hate the name! Seriously! BUT, as time went on, I realized that Its kind of late to change my name now. I would have to re-design my website, comp-cards, update millions of profile info's and build a new fan base. So Demon it stays.
And, besides the fact - it fits my bad temper and split personality!
"What type of black are you?!??"
The kind that will whoop your ass if you make a comment like that again! Actually - I am both Puerto Rican (Spanish) and Cape Verdian (Black)
"Whats the deal with you and fags?"
Ok, if you call them a "fag" one more time, im kicking your ass. I am a HUGE human rights activist. I despise people that discriminate against the basis of sexual orientation. Im not gay, bi or a lesbian - but I proudly and openly support their lifestyle.
"I want to hire you, will you model my new line of fur coats?"
Nigga, I cant believe you just asked me that! FUCK YOU! I'm anti leather, fur. I DO eat meat...but I look at is a way for easy nutrition. YOU DON'T NEED TO WEAR ALLIGATOR SHOES TO SURVIVE! Shove that modeling contract up your ass!
The most animal parts that I have worn is wool...and cashmere. (I ALWAYS make sure that my cashmere is shaved from the goat and not killed or harmed.)
CONTACT ME! Email: [email protected]
Nectoxic Magazine: [email protected]
Wretched-Entertainment (Press): 401.829.4348
First Name

My Interests

I love Milk Chocolate! I could not go 3 days without having a kit-kat bar or a Twix!- I LOVE milk chocolate, When I was growing up i wanted to be a magician! I loved magic shows and still do it as a hobby sometimes!, My favorite show is Whose line is it anyway and The Soup!, I own a Helio Ocean! My favorite foods are Hamburgers and Fries!, I am an ANTI Fur model! I LOVE corsets! I have ALOT of them!, I LOVE Barbie Dolls!!, My Favorite animals are Cats I am OBSESSED with American Mcgees Alice, I have the Cheshire cat tattoo from the game, on my right arm I love the internet! Seriously if you send me an email, I will most likely respond within 30 min!

I'd like to meet:

Osama bin laden...just so I can shove my foot so far up his ass, if will feel like a plane had just exploded in his anus! And of course, all of my Fans - whom I love vewy vewy much!

Want to help promote me? Copy one of these codes onto your webpage and my banner will appear!




Linkin Park is my alltime favorite band. But I also enjoy a wide variety of music like Static-X, 50 Cent, Eminem, michael jackson, Nightwish, Mercy, Emilie Autumn, Missy Elliot, The Combichrist, Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Prodigy, RobZombie, HIM, Within Temptation, Ludacris, Lacuna Coil, DeathStars, Busta Rhymes, Fear Factory, After forever, Dope Stars Inc., Lamb of god, twiztid, Cradle of Filth, 2 Playa 2, Benny Benassi, Luna Park, ....


DISNEY MOVIES ARE MY FAVORITE! Beauty and the Beast, The little Mermaid, and Aladdin are my top 3! the matrix trilogies, Harry Potter, coming to America, the nightmare before Christmas....


The soup!




My Mommy

My Blog!

Haha talk about vanity! Now when you type in my name:, you will be re-directed to my website! Enjoy!...
Posted by Official Myspace - Demon on Sun, 25 May 2008 06:36:00 PST

New interview! - Voltcase Magazine

Check out my latest interview at Voltcase Magazine! Leave some feedback on here! Tell me whatcha think ...
Posted by Official Myspace - Demon on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:23:00 PST

View my blogs at

So the new flash layout is up for my website incase you didnt know - meaning the HTML is down (lol! cant keep everything working now can we?)Anway, since I had to move my website to a different server...
Posted by Official Myspace - Demon on Sat, 10 May 2008 11:58:00 PST


Periodically I will be moving all of my videos to I find that it has the best quality - and unlike my brightcove player on my website, their isnt a way for my viewers to subscribe when ne...
Posted by Official Myspace - Demon on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 12:49:00 PST