Ahmed Mo'nis (aka ahmed_mo2nis) profile picture

Ahmed Mo'nis (aka ahmed_mo2nis)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm just an ordinary Muslim Egyptian guy, I want to improve the things that I don't like around me. So, I try to using all the means possible for me right now, even simple words. I'm not an activist or anything, I'm just reacting - Normally I guess - to some events (that's why with the help of some friends I launched this website www.theheroes.org ) Unfortunately I don't spend much time on the Internet let alone Myspace! So you may not find a lot of info about me YET. I hope this would change but till then, I will be logging on every now & then

My Interests

Religion, Philosophy, Recently politics, History, Sports (particularly soccer), Graphics & web design BUT I'm no more than an amauter as I tend to focus more on the content (this is an example of a website I'm working on: www.theheroes.org )

I'd like to meet:

People who have Strong moral values & still struggling in this materialistic world!


basiclly all kinds of music geners except Rock & Jazz because they give me headache (not that I hate them but I rarley listen to them because of the headaches)!!!! I don't like non-meaningful songs (audio or video) or those that contain profanity / violent or racist or sexual or any other bad references


Lion of the Desert, The Message


Prophet Muhammad, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab , Saladin , Omar Mukhtar , Malcolm X, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ghazali

My Blog

Announcment (& an Apology as well): Please READ!!!!!

I must say I never thought I would start a blog, nor I thought I will start blogging about my stolen password, but any how..it doesn't matterConcerning Some awful spam messages that has been sent to a...
Posted by Ahmed Mo'nis (aka ahmed_mo2nis) on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:27:00 PST

MySpace Tracker - View Who Views You

Posted by Ahmed Mo'nis (aka ahmed_mo2nis) on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:40:00 PST