Donna Darko profile picture

Donna Darko

Well, look at these morose motherfuckers right here. Looks like somebody shit in their cereal... Bon

About Me

I love that its autumn again :)
I work in blockbuster and love it coz im a bit of a movie geek.I work fulltime,i dont go to uni or college,this gives me the money to do the things that i want to do,go the places i want to go to and buy the things that i want to buy,im quite happy with this.I like a wide range of movies,from asia extreme movies to cheesy chick flicks!Its a nice escape from reality.I also like alot of music,and enjoy going to gigs when i can.I live in Falkirk.I dont mind the place just cant stand the narrow minded people.Right now i love that when i finish work it's actually still light outside.I love my moped megumi.I love singing to Phill Collins sussudio really loud when the shops shut :D I hate it when people spam up my bulletins with rubbish.The odd one or two's ok tho :) Thats all im gonna write just now.Short n sweet,anything u wanna know just ask x
mmmm music :)


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My Interests

I'd like to meet:


I like loads of diffrent stuff,at the moment im listening to alot of-
Every Time I die
Death Cab for Cutie
Brand New


MOVIES IVE SEEN RECENTLY THAT ARE WORTH A WATCH- Tartan Asia extreme movies mostly


The OC,My So Called Life,Peep Show,Futurama,Family Guy,My Name is Earl aaaaand


My mum :)

and Roberto

My Blog

Times Square

Hey everyone!! Im sitting in an easy internet cafe in times square just now.Times Square is my new fav place!!Done all the sites Empire-statue of liberty etc,off to central park after this then to cbg...
Posted by Donna Darko on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 01:05:00 PST