.photography.writing.that one cafe.bombing yer mom.aka graffity art. ..
Anyone with a good heart and soul...
You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service.
Diamond Eyes
Eyes full of Pain
Ani Difranco. Bob Marley. Michael Franti. Janis Joplin. System of a Down. Sublime. Chemical Brothers. Modest Mouse. Postal Serivce. Tegan and Sara. Gorillaz. Peaches. Saul Williams. Mindless Self Indulgance. Lauryn Hill. Mars Volta. Sage Francis. A Perfect Circle. Bitch and Animal. .. ..Tabla Beat Science
Waking Life. Donnie Darko. High Art. Punch Drunk Love. The Ring. Run Lola Run. Snatch. Seven. American History X. Too many...
too much brain washing and nonsense for my taste. I will watch certain shows on occasion. fuck yea to history and discovery channel.
non fiction books.tuesdays with morrie.go ask alice.i lived a thousand years.night.
The strength in strangers' eyes when they try to look past their pains.This kid-