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About Me

I LOVE american football...especially my two teams, the St. Louis Rams, and the team I play for, the current Irish champs(3 years in a row), The Dublin Rebels! And music is a big part of my life too!
Du Hast
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What Is Your Battle Cry?

S kulking along the hotel lobby, clutching a piece of chainlink fence, cometh Tuska-Man! And he gives a cruel scream:

"Vengeance and goo flow from my veins! I desecrate with reckless abandon!!"

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You're Doctor Cox!
Sarcastic and cynical, but deep down we know you
Sometimes it's ok to let that show.
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My Interests

American footbal, playin guitar/singin in my band Inception.

I'd like to meet:

My heros, they include Pisa Tinoisamoa, Brian Urlacher (both football) or Tom Morello or Zakk Wylde(music).


METAL!!!!Some bands I like include Slayer,Pantera,Sepultura,Rammstein,Testament,Metallica,Ozzy, Zakk Wylde,Alice Cooper,Nile,Lacuna Coil,Rage Against The Machine,Nirvana,Pearl Jam,System Of A Down,Foo Fighters,Marilyn Manson,Audioslave,Cradle Of Filth.....there's lots more that I couldn't be bothered typing,but I don't lock on just to say that! I also love disco!Boogie!its ok we're irish

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Spoof movies kick ass...naked gun,hot shots,spy hard etc. they all kick ass!I do enjoy a good thriller though if i'm in the right mood!


I love Mythbusters, Scrubs and Frasier...they're the only programs i actually regret if i don't watch them. Then I also like Futurama, The Simpsons, Family Guy and other small shows.


Anything by Andy McNab or Chris Ryan


Dimebag Darrell...big respecet man. Pisa Tionisamoa, Brian Urlacher, Tom Morello, Zakk Wylde.