Gangsta Cooking Show, starring Rey Rey and Scuba.
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Kosher Cooking show, starring Scuba as Rabbi Stevie-Poo.
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I love music. I pretty much like everything, although I have to say my all time favorite artist is Bob Seger. Then you can take it anywhere...NOFX, Michael Jackson, Metallica, Sex Pistols, Genesis and Phil Collins, Fall Out Boy, Fat Knuckle Jack , Captain Jookie , Midnight to Twelve , and tons more. I am a huge supporter of the local music scene...I love to watch live shows.
Boondock Saints , Napoleon Dynamite , Princess Bride , E.T. , Super Troopers , Reality Bites , UHF , Waiting, 40-Year-Old Virgin, Grease, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, most of the Vacation movies, Liar Liar, both of the Ace Ventura's, Wizard of Oz, True Romance, Pump Up the Volume...I could go on forever and ever.
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Basically anything that has words in English on it , I will read. Books , magazines , shampoo bottles , toothpaste tubes . porn , textbooks , etc. . I love to read. My favorite authors include: Stephen King, Douglas Adams, Dean Koontz, and Rebecca Wells. I could go on forever here, too.
Reese Witherspoon as 'Vanessa Lutz' in "Freeway".
And of course, Stewie Griffin.