CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT SOULED OUT RADIO!....check.out.our......fucking.sites.bitches. .SOULEDOUTCREW.haha, wow.. this is a hard one.. where do i start.. traveLing would have to be my biggist interest right now.. and its some thing im aLways gonna crave.. for exampLe. ive drove from San francisco, down to LasVegas, then aLL the way to Virginia Beach.. pretty cooL huh.. Let me see, ive been to Chicago, Miami, China, Korea (Korea was reaLLy cooL), PuertoRico, Mexico, and the Philippines (im not just saying this because im fiLipino, but these peopLe know how to have some serious fun)... thats it for now, but i have my whoLe Life ahead of me.. this brings up another one of my interest.. witch i think everyone aLso Loves, food.. man this is one of the biggest reasons why i Like to traveL.. foooood.. who doesnt Love it... its reaLLy cooL to go to other states and countries and taste aLL kinds of food.. dont you agree.. i Like trying just about anything.. from hiking, cherry picking, surfing, skating (and i dont mean ice skating) , but dat would be fun to), sky diving, and even chiLLin at home with friends.. maybe dats why i LOve CaLifornia so much.. you can do anything you want and more... i mean it, you reaLLy can ask anyone from CaLi, theyll teLL you the same thing... i miss it man.. so yea.. ive said aLot but i dont think i said it aLL, my greatist interest wouLd have to be my Love for music..!.! (checkoutthesesites) okaypLayer.comTempLeofHipHop channeLrock keepHipHopaLive...
weLL Let me see.. i want to meet everybody.. to meet everyone in da worLd wouLd be reaLLy cooL.. i put it this way, i'd Like to experience Life to da fuLList. and to be abLe to do dat i wouLd have to Learn aLL of da worLds different ways. so if ur reading dis, hoLLa at ur boy.. cuz i wouLd reaLLy Like to meet you...
as a D.J. i have to be open keep in mind dat u have to Learn and Love aLL aspects of music... but to narrow things down i got to give it up, i Love underground HipHop, and oLdschooL HipHop.... reggae, freestyle, metal, aLternative, underground garage, punk (oLd and new), r&b, rock (aLL types)... i Listen to just about everything... (checkoutthesetrax)J.5.whatsgolden B.E.P.APLsong B.E.P.thatsthejoint mindstimuLants...
im a big movie freak.. if onLy you couLd Look at my coLLection... ok Let me give you my favorites,(domestic fiLms) Brave Heart, Gladiator, the Last Samurai, Matrix, KiLL BiLL 1, Star Wars, Troy, (independent fiLms) Swingers, Run LoLa Run, Groove, ok, now da (imports), dis is actuaLLy one of my hobbies... ok heres my favorits, (Japan) the Returner, (China) the Touch, Storm Riders, a Man CaLLed Hero, Rave Fever, Hero, the DueL (France) Brotherhood of the Wolf.. and you have to Love anime.....(checkoutthissite)
i wouLd have gone nuts if i did'nt bring u into my Life. so to my baby girL(Raven Jaine). i Love u. u are my hero......