Born in Toronto, Canada and raised in a small town in Yuma, Arizona, Michael Zahorak has become well-known as the boy who plays classical music. His achievement varies from competitions in piano performance to composing. Even though he was classically trained since the age of 3, his voice came into play at age 6, where he joined the Phoenix Boys Choir in 1992 and still singing his heart out up till now. With all his musical training, Mike is well respected in his town and is moving on writing music in a classical mindset with influences from Beethoven to Gavin DeGraw. Every song is different with a different atmosphere and aura surronding the words and the lyrics hopefully touches your heart as it does the composer himself. His unique blend of piano and vocals attracts the trained and even untrained ear. With that said, get to know Michael Zahorak.... more to come.
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .