my interests are dancing, acting, spending time in the beach, strolling around the malls with my friends, going to parties with friends, toking on the phone(to people im close to), travelling around the world, watching one tree hill, earting and just simply living a simple life! =)
I wanna meet someone who can jam around with mesomeone whose spontaneous and realwanna meet chad michael murray, shane west and maybe adam brody! =)You! =P
i like RnB and alternative too.. not so much into pop.... hate wild rock type of music.... love it when it suits my ear! =)
Favorites: -A walk to remember -Serendipity -Message in a bottle -troy -The notebook -white chicks -A cinderella story -Raise ur Voice -Cheaper by the dozen -Mean girls and alot more...
-oprah show -lost -One tree hill(except watch it on dvds) -The OC -Fear Factor -My crib -Punkd -Pimp my Ride
Dont read that much...mostly prefer magazines like-hello -ok -candy -meg -teen peopleand maybe Pd's....:)