Cookie profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

My name is Cookie. I came to live with my new people on Thanksgiving day. Nobody knows how I got where I am but it looks like I was meant to live here. I love my new people and the kitties who live here with me. Actually, I love everybody. I will be your friend if you want me to but don't be mad at me if you write and I don't write back because my mom is always hogging the computer for "work stuff". She made this profile to help find the family that lost me but it didn't work. I have so many nice friends she didn't have the heart to delete my profile but she just doesn't have the time to keep it updated (and I don't have the typing skills). If you don't hear from me, I'm okay. Lots of kisses to all of you!!!!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 .... language="javascript" src="http://...../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write(".....{}");}..

My Interests

chasing balls, playing with other dogs, licking the cats, sitting on the couch, hogging mom's bed

I'd like to meet:

My old family. I wonder what ever happened to them...


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All my new friends.