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Cátia Cardoso

"I became Insane with long intervals of horrible Sanity" E. A. Poe

About Me

"Assemelha-te de novo à àrvore que amas, a àrvore de grandes ramos : silenciosa e atenta, que se deixa pender sobre o mar." Friedrich Nietzsche>

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Family and Friends (the true ones), Good Moments, Human Rights, Animal Rights, The Universe, Pedagogy, Psychology, Music, Metal Gigs, Books, Storytelling (Tales), Britcoms, Good Movies(Psychological Horror/Comedy), World Cultures, Beer ( The Portuguese one :P), a Good Red Wine, Eyes (they don't lie), Myths, Legends, Folklore, Trivial sh*ts(...)

I'd like to meet:

"Entre muitas outras coisas, tu eras para mim uma janela através da qual podia ver as ruas. Sozinho não o podia fazer." Franz KafkaPeople that have their own personality and thoughts!Definitely I am not here to have millions and million "friends" or to collect them. My truthful friends know who they are ♥And i will not add anyone who's here for "dating" and sh*ts like that!Who i don't really like to meet: Fake People /Hypocrites /Jealousy / Drama Queens: Don't bother!...Thank you!


"Sem a música, a vida seria um erro." (F. Nietzsche)(...)


"He-e-e-e-re's Johnny!" " (...) Jack: The most terrible nightmare I ever had. It's the most horrible dream I ever had.Wendy: It's OK, it's OK now. Really.Jack: I dreamed that I, that I killed you and Danny. But I didn't just kill ya. I cut you up in little pieces. Oh my God. I must be losing my mind.Wendy: Everything's gonna be all right. (...)"


Biographies, Documentaries (some sh*ts,it depends the days ) (RTP2)


"Um livro deve ser o instrumento que quebra o mar gelado em nós."(F. Kafka para O. Pollack). (Too many...and a few (masterpieces) of: Pessoa, Herculano, Luíz Pacheco, Al Berto, Peixoto, Aleixo, Espanca, Eça de Queirós, Bocage, Saramago, Paulo Coelho, Isabel Allende, Bettelheim, Wilde, Poe, Eco, Wiesel, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Orwell, Hesse, Tolkien, Kafka, Lovecraft, King, Suskind, Nietzsche, Pedagogic Theories Books(Jean Piaget,Lev Vygotsky, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, John Dewey, Celestin Freinet,Friedrich Froebel(...)).In another side of literature: Childlike Literature (that send us to the magic of the childhood) Esopo, Perrault, La Fontaine, Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Lewis Carrol, Carlo Collodi, Mark Twain, Joana Spyri, Astrid Lindgren, Louis Vax, Antoine De Saint-Exupery, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, Alves Redol, Mário Castrim, Aquilino Ribeiro, (...). "As figuras imaginárias têm mais relevo e verdade que as reais." (F.Pessoa)


Are not we all?!

My Blog


Hope'I was not put here by anyone in fearI came alone as meJust an idea in a long chain of discoverySurrounded by the same youSometimes your tide pulls me out to seaAnd I die in a thrashing curseSom...
Posted by Cátia Cardoso on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 11:14:00 PST


ThisThey say I pretend or lieAll I write. No such thing.It simply is that IFeel by imagining.I don't use the heart-string.All that I dream or lose,That falls short or dies on me,Is like a terrace ...
Posted by Cátia Cardoso on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 12:12:00 PST

The Metamorphosis (III Part)

FranzKafkaThe Metamorphosis...'Thefathergroped his way tottering to his chair and let himself fall in it. Itlooked as if he was stretching out for his usual evening snooze, butthe heavynodding of hi...
Posted by Cátia Cardoso on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:20:00 PST

The Metamorphosis (II Part)

Franz KafkaThe Metamorphosis..."Already during the first day his father laid out all the financial circumstances andprospects to his mother and to his sister as well. From time to time he stood upfr...
Posted by Cátia Cardoso on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:14:00 PST

The Metamorphosis

Franz KafkaThe Metamorphosis....' Onemorning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered thatin bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug. He lay on hisarmour-hard...
Posted by Cátia Cardoso on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:09:00 PST