britney: i'm ugly
kevin: nooo
b: uhh, my jaw hurts
k: that doesn't mean you're ugly
b: uuhhh, it's like
k: you've been grinding your teeth
b:i been grinding my teeth cause i'm nervous a whole lot, i don't know uhhhhllwuhh. it's weird.
k: what are you nervous about?
b: i'm not really nervous. you know those things come out there like that. have you ever had butter beans?
k: i mea, uh, i don't know
(kevin giggles a little, britney giggles a lot)
b: what (giggle)? listen.
(britney starts scratching)
oh, this feels so good to itch
k: you need to stop doin that shit
b: it feels LIKE HEAVEN. momma, see what you passed down to me? um...(BURP) (giggle)
k: dude, we're gonna do clips of you burpin. cause i got like 20 of em.
b: um, (pause) i had to say somethin. i wanna see that movie. (K starts zooming in)listen, what are you doin? YOU'RE ZOOMING IN. YOU'RE DOIN SOMETHIN WEIRD.
k: i was listenin
b: why are you lookin through the peephole? you're actin like a camera man
(kevin giggles)
b: stop lookin through the peephole!
k: ok!
b: listen
k: uh huh. you wanna see the movie, let's go see it.
b: well when is it gonna be playin--oh no--when did spun come out? i wanna see that.
k: we'll have to go buy it on DVD. it might've even been on the bus.
b: huh?
k: it might've been on the bus
b: huh? really?
k: yeah
b: you're lyin
k: i'm not lyin
b: it was really on the bus?
k: i said it might've been on the bus, i don't know.
b: that's like a new movie and stuff
k: baby, that movie is -- i watched it fuckin four months ago on DVD.
b: where have i been?!!?
k: over here. (giggle). you've been on tour
b: i'm confused, cuz i feel like i been missin out
k: missin out on what?
b: (burp) on life
k: i really don't think that that's the truth
b: i'm--you think i'm--this is what i have to talk about
k: ok
b: i feel like i've been missin out on life
k: like what part of life
b: life, like things, and things going on. like i feel like i'm behind or somethin. i know that sounds so weird. but i do
k: no it doesn't
(B hits the table)
k: it's all the partyin
b: huh?
k: it's all the partyin
b: what are you talkin about all the partyin? (hits table while saying this)
k: that's why you feel that way
(B hits the table)
b: what's that supposed to mean?
k: would you rather go out or would you rather go watch the movie?
b: huh?
k: (giggles) would you rather go out? if you had the choice to go out or go watch a move, what would you wanna do?
b: i;d go watch the movie and just drink at home
(B&K giggle). well what i'm trying to say is like do you ever feel, like can some people--have you ever seen back to the future?
k: mmhum
b: is that possible? to time travel--travel speed?
k: no
b: yes it is, kevin
k: ok, but not that we know of
b: maybe people-- i think people can do that. i think some people are ahead of us
k: maybe. but they would never tell the world. they wouldn't tell nobody shit. could you imagine how many people would try to go back and change shit?