To whom much is given, much is required; not expected, not desired, but required! In order to respect, cherish, honor, and repay those that have made a way for you, you must take advantage of every opportunity. It is your obligation.
Personal perspective
If asked 'who are you?' I would answer, 'I am who I am'. I am a real estate developer. I am a skier. I am a tennis player. I am a drinker, but I am not food lover. I am an Alpha. I am a serious conversationalist, but I hate to hear myself talk. I am a chess player although I couldn't play checkers to save my life. I am a nerd, but I still think myself fun to hang around. I am organized. I am silly as hell, and I probably play too much. I love my life. I am eternally young. I am driven to be successful, but success is more than just money. I love diversity, but I know where I come from. I am not a gangsta, but I ain't no punk neither. I love my friends. I am detail oriented, but I am not obsessive. I am slow to anger, but once angered I am slow to forgive. I am blessed, but I ain't no better than anybody else. I am not pressed. I am soft spoken, but I have mad things to say. I am sometimes ghost. Most importantly though, those that know me know that I am who I am and I'm him all the time.
The Life List
You will find me on the slopes at the Lionshead. You will find me jogging the streets of Pamplona. You will find me conversing in a Spanish villa. You will find me on a helicopter in the Chugach. You will find me on The Continent. You will find me deep in a reef with a great Barrier surrounding it. You will find me 10,000 feet above the Mojave. You will find me charting Carribbean waters. You will find me making a huge racket on the court with my strings. You will find me on the dance floor. You will find me at the feet of my elders. You will find me at the pool. You will find me at the school for the better making of men. You will find me on a white horse. You might find me in a Rolls-Royce limousine, but if you find me there, you will never find me in court. You will find me in the house of pain, but you will never find me on the operating table. You will find she and I immortalized in print. You will always find me amongst my people, and I shall lead them first by brotherly example. You must find me teaching the younger ones, and I hope that I will be successful. You will find me in His house...
...And if, by His grace, you are able to look back over my life and to truely find me in all of these places, then I will have lead a life worth living.