About Me
D A V E | M A N N
"Know Ye That This Is The Kingdom Of Kicks -
Wine, Bikes, Drugs & Chicks"
Angelo, 3-12-58
M Y | B L O G
A N D | Y O U | A R E ?
A bout me... well, I like makin' money and touchin' bitches. . . I'm old, I'm opinionated, and I'm an old BUB (Beat Up Bastard). Am I better than anyone else? probably not... I run a warehouse to earn a living. It's hard work for low pay: the Workingman's Blues. My employers put a lot of responsibility on me to keep it in line, and I don't take kindly to people fucking with my warehouse. I deal in tonnage - not poundage, and it's no unusual for me to put up 4 or 5 of those tons by hand every day. I work pretty damn hard for an old man, and for not a lot of money in my opinion, so to say that I'm pretty intolerant of healthy, strong young fucker's who are too fucking lazy to work is an vast understatement. Think you're too good to work hard? Then either learn to work smart, or grow a set of balls, Nancy, and man up. Either way get off the front porch and earn a living. I'm from Arkansas, the land of Jesus & meth labs. I've stood in the Arctic Circle and on Sunset Blvd., and always seemed to end up right back here. Always been the Alpha dog - I don’t see the need to talk a lot unless something needs to be said. I’m one of those people that can have a life or I can have a drink. But I can’t have both at the same time. I've got two kids in college that I seem to spend my money on trying to get their lives going so I can have mine back someday. I think they've grown up right. Their not in trouble all the time, on drugs, knocked up and draggin' a bunch of interracial kids around behind them. Unlike my kids, I'm just one more old 60's lost boy who never found a crowd to follow or someone to emulate. I just wanted to be me. Hit my stride in the early 70's, cool times to be a twenty-year old kid. I hated cops and teachers and they hated me. Dropped out of school, doped, boozed, dealt some drugs, drew guns, pulled knives, perpetrated crimes, rode bikes and drove cars, raised hell, partied like a mofo, and did some jail before it was all over. Been married to a woman who has put up with my shit and managed to keep me out of the ground or the penitentiary for a lot of years now. Reached a point in my life where I don't need to impress you or prove anything to you. Got too old and comfortable to be hard anymore - these days I'm about family, hard work, staying off welfare, minding my own damn business; having some honor and self-respect about myself, and trying to surround myself with like - minded people. Don't want a bunch of leeches hangin' around. If you can't respect that, screw you - we ain’t gonna get along. (I'm also a high roller, pimp, player, low baller, shot caller, neighborhood kingpin, part-time fighter - full time lover, legend among ladies, jack of all trades master of none!)
T H E | R U M I N A T I O N S
O F | A N | O L D | M A N
B een thinking a lot on life now that I'm into the latter part of my fifth decade; about how 'we in the 70's' were, and about how 'things' are now. Drugs. We all did them, bikers and hippies, freeks and heads, high school jocks and cheerleaders; everybody at least smoked pot. There were plenty of people - junkies - around then, but even in some of the lowest levels of hell that I ran around in, it just wasn't like the meth heads / crackheads of the 21st century. Could it have been that even the lowest of the codeine-swilling-paint-sniffing junkies still had a little bit of cool about them? You'd go to some dude's house, his OL would put the kids down, and we'd all sit around getting stoned, watch some SNL, listen to some tunes. No one ever considered making a sex-party favor out of the five-year old in the next room. I'm sure it happened - somewhere, some time - but I never remember hearing anything like that. Not like you do now, with all the meth and crack there is. Might of been some group sex with Mom and Dad going on, but the kids - nahh... just don't remember any kiddie-diddlin' going on. Thieves. There were plenty of those around too, but again; I just don't remember the large, and varied group of people I associated with having anything to do with thieves. Probably because you knew if the fuckerd steal from someone else, chances were real good they'd steal from you too. Same for, what I'll refer to as "general mischief makers." Somebody that was always in trouble with the law was someone that'd get you popped every time you got out. We tended to avoid them, since it wasn't easy being a bearded, long-haired, Levis and boots, Army field jacket , Buck knife carrying, motorsickle ridin', miscreant in the first place. I think what it was, was that 'we' just plain old had a little respect and honor about 'ourselves' then; contrary to what passes for 'cool-ness' nowadays. People should be left alone to do what they want, mind their own business, earn a living the best way they can, settle their differences among themselves, take risks and live dangerously if they want to. Less is more. Stay pure. Stay poor. Don't blindly believe anything. Distrust authority. Fuck 'experts'. Any trademarks used are property of their respective owners.
Oh well, C’est la vie. . .
I dislike: Child and animal abusers, Cops, Punks, Posers, Pussies, Wannabes, Base heads, Double standards,The habitually late, Political correctness, Holier-than-thou pricks, White kids who think they're black, Those who think the world owes them something, Those who got where they are through nepotism, affirmative action, and/or big tits.
T H E | R U L E S
1) Ride Hard -
2) Shoot Straight -
3) Speak the Truth -
4) Don't Snitch -
5) Don't Snivel -
6) Honesty Matters -
7) Walk the Walk-
8) Talk the Talk-
"If your gonna sin - SIN LIKE YOU MEAN IT"
~Drive for Fun ~Dance for Money ~Kill for Gold
"Even our enemies can help us in our perfection, either by loving them or by putting a cap in their asses..."
~ An Old Yoga Saying
“Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream.â€
Ted Nugent
It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Attributed to Father Dennis Edward O’Brien, Sergeant USMC
Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter, don't mind.
Atributed to Dr. Suess