WhEn U C Me CuM ThreW, U ReaDy KnO wHAt it iS profile picture

WhEn U C Me CuM ThreW, U ReaDy KnO wHAt it iS

**ii kEEp tElliN thEsE BiTchEs... YaLL cAN't Be LikE mE...ii kNo YaLL wAnT 2...bUt YaLL cAN't

About Me

Im dat AqUaRiUs who was born on January 25, 1987. I live with my mom,dad and lil bad ass brother. I attend Berkeley College at Middlesex Campus and I will be transferring to Garret Mountain campus upcoming spring to finish off with my BA in Fashion Marketing and Management and will be graduating Spring 2008. Im 5'3, brown skin, and look so f*ck*n good. Im just dat chic whoz self esteem is just up there. I keep myself fresh at all times and dont care what people think of me. I love haters and for those who luv me i luvz yall 2. I have 3 tattoos and a belly ring. I luvs to eat...cereal my fav...dat cookie crisp. I don't diet or exercise my workout for dat is dancing, shopping and running my mouth. Overall im a chill ass chic and i dont botha no one unless someone bothers me. Im real as hell and aint on no dumb shit. Otha than that i just work, lay back, and kick it wit my girlz. Im So FucKEn Spoiled and I gEtz whAt I wanT wHEn I wAnT iT. Im CuddLy, cute, sophisticated, got mad love for any and everytone, and i live life to the fullest doin what ever it is that makes a BitCh happy...ya dig. Basically if U aint on my level fall back cuz i dont fuck wit dumb ass bitches and boogie ass niGgaz...ii don't have patience for these dumb ass wanna bees so when yall wanna step yall game up let me kno cuz it is what it is...This goes out to all my FaM, all my nigz and bithces...sorrii but ii aint listen all yall fuckers and to anyone else who thinks dat i jUsS MITE be coo wiit ...I loves Yall...keep ya heads up and keep doin what we do best...keep hatas haten.

My Interests

**Im interested in ShoPPen...chillen...shoPPen...chillen wit my bitches and niglets...lookin gOOd...shoPPen...gettin my nails done...shoPPen...gettin my hair done...shoPPen...lOOkin fresh at all times...shoPPen...and anything else dat makes me the SpotLigHt...ya dig

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Channing Tatum,Lil'Wayne, Ciara, Pharrel, Kimmora Lee Simmons, T.I., Nelly, Lloyd, Columbous Short, Omarion, Lyfe Jennings, Lil Wayne, Robin Thicke...etc. *MoSt ImPortaNtLy A ReaL AsS NiGGa...Im TiReD Of PlaYen ThEsE DumB AsS GaMes...If U AiNt ReAl And U CaN't tAkE CarE Of Me KeeP iT MovEn n GeT Da FucK oFF my PaGE*


Im a biig RnB chic...datts basically all there is to say


Anything that interest me...Sista Souljah is my shit tho


My momz is my #1 hero...without her ii dont kno where ii would be or what ii would be doin wit my life...times been rough between us but she always held me down and walked me in the right direction...love u ma