Member Since: 12/30/2006
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Just me, and my gear...
I am powering my 4 Peavey cabs and a Dual 12" sub box with a Yamaha 5x110w 5 channel amp for now. I mix and sequence my music digitally so I'm not a scratcher (although I AM shopping for a turntable soon). All my effects are 'built in' to the track. I just make em and play em loud :-D====================================
Presently, my music has been played at:
* ChurchHills (Ybor City, FL)
* The Castle (Ybor City, FL)
* Saints & Sinners (Spring Hill, FL)
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
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Influences: Well let's see. I'm 45 so there are probably hundreds of influences. But since I'm 45 I don't remember them all lol. At present I listen to a few different bands that influence my brainworx. Rammstein, Zombie (both Rob & White), Queensryche, Combichrist, DJ Proteus, Hanzel und Gretyl, Malmsteen, Abbney Park, Genitorturers, God Module, Icon of Coil, Red Hot Chili Peppers, VNV Nation, Borislav Mitic, Ozzy, Symphony-X, Metallica, Megadeth, NIN, Linkin Park, Bizkit, ICP, Disturbed, Shane Gibson, Vinnie Moore, Fergie, Papa Roach, Tony MacAlpine, Greg Howe, Godsmack, Fort Minor, Korn, Xecutioners, Satriani, Vai, J Becker, E Johnson, Within Temptation, Recoil, Allyptic, I:Scintilla, Catya Mare, Adam, MOST of the bands on my friends list, and a few others.
I also (on occasion) listen to Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera, Celine, and that genre (Can't nobody belt 'em out like Christina A!, 'cept maybe Mariah Carey... that's a close one, but Christina is a stone tight hottie :p ).
Pretty much, EVERYONE ('cept them spammer turds) on my friends list has had some influence on me and has inspired me at some certain level. They help me and my music to evolve, and for that I am thankful.
Older influences would probably be Pink Floyd, Judas Priest, Utopia, Nugent, Kiss, Night Ranger, Scorpions, Ratt, Loudness, TKO, Whitesnake, Styx, Motley Crue, Winger, Racer-X, Mr. Big, Cocophany, VanHalen, Dokken, Rush, Sabbath, Dio, Lynch Mob, Nitro, Queen, Slayer, WASP, Stryper, Randy Rhodes, Berndt Steidl, Parliament, EW&F, MC Hammer, CC Music Factory, LL Cool J, just about everything from the Schrapnel label, and others like that.
Other influences include Mozart, Vivaldi, Bach, Brahms, Beethoven, Pachelbel, Paganinni, Handel, Dvorak, And probably my only C&W influences are Toby Keith (he's hilarious), and Tim McGraw (for the song 'Live like you were dyin').
And most of all, my brother Victor. Helluva guy!
MY 50 Question Survey (a product of boredom)
50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? almost nothing
Prefer black or blue pens?
ones that write.......
Dress up on Halloween? sometimes
Like to travel? yes
Like Someone? dunno.
Do they know? probably not
Who sleeps with you every night? this question sucks!
Think you're attractive? no idea
Want to get married? been there, done that
Are you a good student? yes
Are you currently happy? yes
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? I haven..'t, and we..'ll leave it at that
Birthplace? Morrocco Africa
Christmas or Halloween? both.... HAH!
Colored or black-and-white photo? both
Do long distance relationships work? hell no!
Do you believe in astrology? yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? I try to be ;-)
Do you drink? sometimes
Do you make fun of people? not if it's hurtful
Do you think dreams eventually come true? i think so
Favorite fictional character? nuttin specific
Go to the movies or rent? both
Have you ever moved? more often than I wanted to
Have you ever stolen anything? no
How's the weather right now? warm starry night
Last time you cut your hair? about a month ago
Last person you talked to on the phone? :(
Last time you showered? ..'bout 20 minutes ago
Loud or soft music? both
Mcdonalds or Burger King? both
Night or day? both
Number of pillows? 1
Piano or guitar? My Ibanez
Future job? Composer
Current job? Industrial electrician
Current love? yeah right.......
Current longing? to go back 20 years & start over from there
Current disappointment? none
Current annoyance?
tards who still say ..'That..'s what SHE said..'
Last thing you ate? tater soup and a peanut butter sammich
Last thing you bought? smokes and a biscuit
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? Moving to Fla in 3 weeks
What are you hearing right now? some guy called DDJ Black Pearl ;)
Plans for the weekend? reppin' for myself....
What did you do today? work, tan, compose a symphony
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? huh?
Pick a movie quote? I have no quarrel with you, good sir knight, but I must cross this bridge...
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