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[?]Something About Me[?]
Name: Vicky Handley
D.O.B: 15.7.1988
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Color: Pink
Food: Thats a silly question
Candy: Dont really eat sweet so cant say
Animal: Dog
Movie: 2 many to mention
[?]Finish the Sentence[?]
Lets make: Love
He is: Fit
What a: Twat
Clear the way I'm going to: Fart lol
[?]In a Guy/Girl[?]
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Personality or Looks: Both
Short or Tall: Tall
[?]This or That[?]
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger Kings burgers but Mc Donalds chips
Candy or Chocolate: Dont really eat either of em
Love or Money: Love
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Winter or Summer: Summer
Rain or Snow: Rain
Cat or Dog: Dog
[?]Have you Ever[?]
Farted on someones face: Nope
Smoked: No
Been Drunk: Yea loads of times
Been pushed in the Cake: Na
Fallen from your bed when your sleeping: Probs but cant remember
Done Drugs: No
Kissed a Person: Of course
Lighted a Fart: No
Clothes: Pj's
Shoes: None
Age: 18
Mood: Happy
Status: In a relationship
Hairdo: A mess
[?]Last Thing/Time You[?]
Touched: The mouse
Smelled: Mints
Ate: A mint
Saw a Movie: Last week
Read: Dunno
You Cried: Cant remember
[?]About Me[?] SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz